The Members,
Steel Authority of India Limited, New Delhi
The Board of Directors has the pleasure of presenting the 52nd
Annual Report of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL, the Company) together with the
Audited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Statements for the Financial Year ended 31st
March, 2024.
Financial Results ( crore)
Sl. No. |
Year ended |
Particulars |
31st March,
2024 Audited |
31st March,
2023 Audited |
1 |
Income |
(a) R evenue from operations |
105374.59 |
104447.36 |
(b) Other income |
1148.06 |
1354.84 |
Total Income |
106622.65 |
105802.20 |
2 |
Expenses |
(a) Cost of materials consumed |
57618.84 |
62091.10 |
(b) Changes in inventories of
_nished goods, work-in-progress and by- products |
(3352.92) |
(5160.14) |
(c) Employee bene_ts expense |
11747.92 |
12053.62 |
(d) Finance costs |
2473.81 |
2037.47 |
(e) Depreciation and
Amortisation expenses |
5277.45 |
4962.52 |
(f) O ther expenses |
28229.04 |
27438.71 |
Total Expenses |
101994.14 |
103423.28 |
3 |
Pro_t before E xceptional items and |
4528.51 |
2378.92 |
Tax |
Add/(Less): Exceptional items |
(840.84) |
257.99 |
4 |
Pro_t before Tax |
3687.67 |
2636.91 |
Less: Tax expense |
Current tax |
605.54 |
118.37 |
Deferred tax |
349.02 |
615.47 |
Total Tax expense |
954.56 |
733.84 |
5 |
Net Pro_t for the period |
2733.11 |
1903.07 |
Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) |
(i) I tems that will not be
reclassi_ed to pro_t or loss |
(122.72) |
(566.83) |
(ii) I ncome tax relating to items that will |
0.55 |
128.22 |
not be reclassi_ed to pro_t or loss |
6 |
Total Comprehensive Income for the |
2610.94 |
1464.46 |
period |
Your Company achieved the best Sales Turnover of 1,04,545 crore
during the Financial Year (FY) 2023-24, which is higher by 1% as compared to corresponding
period of last year (CPLY) driven by increase in Sales Volume (5%), _xation of Rail price
for FY 2021-22 and revision of provisional Rail price for FY 2022-23 & 2023-24. During
the FY 2023-24, the increase in the pro_tability as compared to CPLY is mainly on account
of higher sales volume; _xation of Rail price for FY 2021-22 as well as revision of
provisional Rail price for FY 2022-23 & 2023-24; lower imported coal prices
(vis-?-vis previous year) and ferro-alloys prices, lower usage of other raw materials
like I ron ore, zinc, copper, other ferro-alloys, power, etc.; better techno-economic
parameters like improvement in BF productivity, lower usage of coal, Speci_c Energy
Consumption, etc.; lower salary & wages; reduction in loss on foreign exchange
_uctuation; etc.
The increase in the pro_tability was o_set partially by lower Net Sales
Realisation of Saleable Steel and lower sale of coal chemical & by-products; higher
usage of external BF Coke, Limestone, scrap, etc.; lower stock valuation rate; higher
expenditure on stores & spares, Repair & Maintenance, Raw Material handling
charges, freight outward, etc.; higher royalty rates; lower dividend income; impact of
exceptional items (Settlement under Vivad se Vishwas Scheme-II and Entry Tax); higher
interest charges and depreciation; etc. Your Company continued its thrust on judicious
fund management with repayment of loans including interest as well as advance planning and
timely action for future fund raising, etc. to meet its growth objectives. The Company had
borrowings of 36,315 crore as on 31st March, 2024 vis-a-vis 30,773 crore as
on 31st March, 2023 (INDAS). The debt equity ratio of the Company as on 31st
March, 2024 has increased marginally to 0.67:1 from 0.59:1 as on 31st March,
2023 primarily due to increase in borrowings during the FY 2023-24. The net worth of the
Company increased to
54,131 crore as on 31st March, 2024 from 52,139 crore as
on 31st March, 2023.
Interim Dividend of 10% i.e. 1.00 per equity share was paid during
the FY 2023-24. The Board of Directors of your Company has further recommended a Final
Dividend of
1.00 per equity share, subject to approval of Members in the ensuing
Annual General Meeting of the Company. In totality, 20% dividend on equity share capital
for FY 2023-24 is being distributed to the members of the Company. No amount has been
transferred to General Reserve during the year under review.
M/s. CARE Ratings and M/s. India Ratings, RBI approved Credit Rating
Agencies, assigned CARE AA-Outlook: Stable' and IND AA-Outlook:
Stable' ratings respectively for SAIL's long-term borrowing programme.
Safety First: Your Company is committed to the safety of its employees
and the people associated with it, including those living in the neighbourhood of its
Plants, Mines and Units. SAIL Safety Organization (SSO) centrally monitors and guides the
Safety Promotional and Fire prevention activities undertaken at di_erent Steel
Plants/Units/Mines/ Stockyards. SSO formulates and prepares appropriate Safety Policies,
Procedures, Systems, Action Plans, Guidelines, etc. and follows up for their
implementation, and thereby, helps in providing Accident-free Work Environment at the
workplace. Plants are ISO-45001 certi_ed, which is an advanced Safety Management System
and as a compliance to this, Hazard Identi_cation and Risk Assessment (HIRA) has been
conducted for most of operation & maintenance activities using techniques like
Bow-tie/HAZOP studies, etc. as applicable and appropriate control measures have been
formulated and implemented to either eliminate the risk or bring it to acceptable limits.
Safety aspects, speci_c to the jobs, have been incorporated in Standard
Operating Procedures & Standard Maintenance Procedures (SOPs & SMPs) which helps
in integrating safety with operations and maintaining necessary technological discipline.
System of conducting safety audits and inspections is in vogue and observations, if any,
are complied with at the earliest. Prioritising safety foremost, the Company has engaged
Safety Management Consultant for Safety Culture
Transformation, at its Plants in Bhilai, Bokaro, Rourkela, Durgapur and
Burnpur. Thrust is being laid on developing safety governance structure, framing technical
standards, improving safety through behavioural interventions, containing risk in high
hazard processes, etc. Relentless e_orts are also being made by Plants and SSO for
competence building in the area of Safety Management through regular HRD interventions,
LEO workshops, webinars, etc., in-house as well as through external experts, on areas of
concern covering Heads of Shops, Line Managers, Safety Personnel and Trade Union leaders.
System of imparting safety training at induction and on-the-job trainings to contract
workers prior to start of jobs, exists in all the Plants and Units.
SSO has recently launched many new initiatives to reach the lowest
strata of the Company. A initiative called Suraksha Manthan' has been taken up
for achieving Zero Fatality, with the participation of Heads of Safety of all Plants/
Units, where learnings from incidents/ Near Miss cases, good safety practices across
Plants/Units are discussed and followed up for its implementation. A safety interaction
module named Sampark' has been launched for sensitizing di_erent working levels
of Plants i.e. HODs, Line Managers and Departmental Safety O_cers. In the beginning of
every training programme at Management Training Institute (MTI), the participants are
sensitized on the importance of safety through a customized module titled
Sparsh'. A compilation titled Samiksha' of accidents that occurred
in the past has been prepared and circulated as ready reference for all the Plants &
Units. Sukriti' a compendium of good practices prevailing in the steel
industry, has been prepared with a view to promote benchmarking with the best practices of
the industry. In addition to this, Suraksha Samvad' a VC session is
being conducted after any major incident or Near Miss case among concerned domain experts
from all the Plants & Units, with a view to discuss the root causes, share good
practices of each other and bring out technical solutions. Also to bring all the steel
producers of the Country with their domain experts along with safety personnel under one
platform, SSO has constituted Safety Operating Committee to address the theme-based
issues. Meetings of the Committee will be a yearly event in di_erent Plants with new
Bene_ts of technology are leveraged by extensive utilization of IT in
the area of Safety Management, by way of web portals for sharing important information,
safety suggestions, etc. Good Safety Practices prevailing in the Plants & Units and
other industries are captured and circulated among all for horizontal deployment,
knowledge sharing and bringing improvement. A multi-disciplinary Safety Engineering
Department exists in each of the Steel Plants and Mines to look into their respective
safety requirements. The emphasis is on Systematic Approach to Safety Management. SSO is
also managing the secretariat of the Joint Committee on Safety, Health & Environment
in the Steel Industry (JCSSI), a bipartite forum which addresses Safety,Health &
Environment issues of the Steel Plants with active involvement of Management and Central
& Plant level trade unions and provides guidelines to the member organizations.
Acknowledging the importance of Safety, the activities and measures undertaken are
reviewed at the highest level by the Board Sub Committee on Health, Safety &
During the FY 2023-24, the Indian steel sector continued its journey of
resilience and growth, navigating through both internal challenges and global economic
_uctuations. The year witnessed excess capacity and subdued demand, especially aggravated
by crises like the real estate downturn in China. Inspite of the challenges faced by your
Company in terms of input raw material quality, logistics issues like availability of
rakes for transportation of raw material and the asset mix of old and new units, SAIL
achieved remarkable milestones in 2023-24 including record-breaking annual performances.
During FY 2023-24, your Company created new benchmarks in production,
productivity, techno-economics, value added products and new product development. There
has been a phenomenal growth in production of Hot Metal by 1.09 MT, Crude Steel by 0.95 MT
and Saleable Steel by 1.19 MT during FY 2023-24, over the previous FY 2022-23. SAIL
achieved record Hot Metal, Crude Steel and Saleable Steel production of 20.5 MT, 19.2 MT
and 18.4 MT respectively. In addition to this, your Company also achieved, its best annual
performance in respect of Techno-economic parameters like Coke Rate, CDI Rate, BF
Productivity and Speci_c Energy Consumption owing to focus on better capacity utilisation
of bigger Blast Furnaces (BF) and optimisation of BF operations. Besides this, continuous
thrust in ramping up of new units as well as continuous intervention in process
improvement, operational capacity utilisation of Hot Metal, Crude Steel and Saleable Steel
improved to 101%, 99% and 102% respectively. The Research and Development Centre for Iron
& Steel (RDCIS) of the Company provided innovative technological inputs to di_erent
Plants of SAIL, with special emphasis on process and quality improvement, product
development and commercialization. The continuous activities in respect of product
development have led to development of 25 new Steel Products, including development of new
sections, during FY 2023-24.
At Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP), Hot Metal, Crude Steel and Saleable Steel
achieved its best ever production of 5.985 MT, 5.675 MT and 5.228 MT respectively. The new
Blast Furnace i.e. BF-8 produced 2.68 MT of Hot Metal, surpassing the previous best
achievement of 2.54 MT in the previous FY. The contribution to Indian Railways is
highlighted by the fact that record dispatches of Long Rails (260m panels) of 1082 Rakes
was achieved during the FY 2023-24. Further, with the commencement of commercial
production from Flash Butt Welding Plant-Sabarmati, 12 Rakes of Long Rail panels were
despatched to the Indian Railways. The year also witnessed commencement of regular
production of R-350 HT (1175 HT Gr) Head Hardened Rails at URM in October, 2023, with 1265
tonne being produced and _rst rake of R350 HT panel was supplied to Indian Railways on 31st
October, 2023. On techno-economic front, BSP achieved the highest ever CDI rate at 120
kg/thm and lowest Speci_c Energy Consumption at 6.35
Durgapur Steel Plant (DSP) recorded the best ever production of Hot
Metal at 2.57 MT, surpassing the previous best of 2.56 MT recorded in the FY 2022-23. DSP
also produced highest ever Crude Steel at 2.30 MT and Saleable Steel 2.21 MT, surpassing
the previous best of 2.29 MT and 2.18 MT respectively achieved in the previous FY. The
Plant recorded highest ever production from its Medium Structural Mill (MSM) and Merchant
Mill (MM). On techno-economic front, DSP achieved the best ever CDI rate at 68/kg/thm and
Coke rate at 449 kg/thm in the FY 2023-24.
Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) registered highest ever production of Hot
Metal at 4.49 MT, Crude Steel production at 4.16 MT and Saleable Steel production at 4.21
MT in the FY 2023-24. In addition to this, BF-5 also achieved highest ever production at
2.88 MT. Similarly, New Plate Mill (NPM) at 0.93 MT and Hot Strip Mill-2 (HSM-II) at 2.38
MT also registered highest ever annual production. With regard to techno-economic
parameters, RSP achieved the lowest ever Speci_c Energy Consumption @5.98
during the FY 2023-24. Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL) registered the highest ever production of
Hot Metal at 4.73 MT with four BFs operation, surpassing the previous best of 4.71 MT
achieved with _ve BFs operation in the FY 2005-06. New SMS (with Concast Route) at 0.86
MT, Crude Steel at 4.31 MT,Hot Strip Mill at 3.97 MT and Saleable Steel at 3.99 MT also
recorded highest ever production in FY 2023-24. The techno-economic parameters like CDI
rate @79 kg/thm, BF productivity @ 1.82 t/m3/day and Speci_c Energy Consumption
@6.57 were best ever in the FY 2023-24.
At IISCO Steel Plant (ISP), Hot Metal, Crude Steel and Saleable Steel
production at 2.72 MT, 2.53 MT and 2.41 MT respectively were highest ever in the FY
2023-24. I n addition to this, Wire Rod Mill at 0.479 MT, Bar Mill at 0.795 MT and
Universal Section Mill at 0.460 MT achieved their best ever production during the FY
2023-24. On techno-economic front, ISP achieved the best ever CDI rate @126 kg/thm &
BF productivity @ 2.18 t/m3/day for the year.
SAIL aims to boost production volumes at its _ve Integrated Steel
Plants by enhancing techno-economic e_ciencies at Blast Furnace. In this regard, the key
initiatives in form of enablers include I mproving the Health of Furnace Stoves,
Commissioning of New Stoves, Enhancing Oxygen Enrichment, Increasing Pulverized Coal
Injection and Improving the Iron content in the Burden through the use of Pellets and
Better Quality Ore Fines.
With respect to the Special Steel Plants, Strategic Interventions are
being pursued at Alloy Steels Plant (ASP) and Salem Steel Plant (SSP). In this regard,
Feasibility Study is being carried out at ASP for upgradation of steel making facilities
and enhancement of production through process e_ciency. At SSP, initiatives are being
taken to improve production and reduce the cost to curtail losses.
Your Company has always strived to maximize its captive power usage in
view of reliability of power supply as well as availability of power at optimum cost.
During the FY 2023-24, about 65% of the total requirement of 1437.98 MW was met from the
Captive Power Plants, as against 62.75% in the previous year. With an objective to
optimize the cost, SAIL has been actively procuring power through Open Access route since
such opportunity was introduced in Electricity Act, 2003. Continuing the legacy, this year
too, SAIL Plants procured about 299.38 Million Units (MUs) of power through Open Access
route which also included Green (renewable) power procured through Short Term Open Access.
A major contributor to Green Open Access Power was 85.79 MUs of bagasse-based power from
Rajshree Sugar Mills, Coimbatore, through Power Exchange for Salem Steel Plant during the
sugarcane crushing season. 110.55 MUs were procured from the Power Exchange and 103.12 MUs
were wheeled from PP-3, Bhilai to SSP. Your company was able to save about
40.13 crore in the FY 2023-24 by procuring cheaper power through Open
Access route.
With the objective of enhancing the share of captive power and ensuring
supply of reliable power at optimum cost, the second 20 MW Unit of NTPC-SAIL Power Company
Ltd. ( N SPCL), a Joint Venture Company of SAIL & NTPC Ltd., Power Plant-III at DSP
was commissioned on 29th March, 2024. The New Power & Blowing Stations
(PBSs) at Integrated Steel Plants at Bhilai, Rourkela and Burnpur are cogeneration Plants
that run entirely on process gases (Blast Furnace
& Coke Ovens gases), generating 8.44% of total power requirement of
your Company, the old Captive Power Plants/ Power Blowing Stations at Bhilai, Rourkela,
and Durgapur also utilize the process gases to the maximum, using minimal amounts of coal.
In addition to this, process gases are also provided to NSPCL and Bokaro Power Supply Co.
Ltd. (a JV of SAIL and DVC) for substituting coal as a fuel to the optimum level feasible
vis-?-vis operational e_ciency. LD gas is being mixed with BF gas at BPSCL. Further, at
NSPCL's Power Plant-II, BSP, CO gas pipeline for Boiler-3 has been connected to the
new CO gas header.
Your Company has always been focussed on its approach towards achieving
better performance parameters with respect to usage of power purchased from utilities and
capitalizing to maximize the rebates and incentives available in the power tari_ for
achieving higher load factor, power factor, etc.During the FY 2023-24, 151.74 crore was
received as incentives and rebate in the power tari_ from grid utilities. Besides above,
optimization of electricity consumption in various steel making processes is a major
thrust area of SAIL Plants for lowering the power consumption per tonne of production of
saleable steel. As a responsible corporate house, your Company has given adequate emphasis
on development and usage of renewable power sources with focussed approach on Roof Top
Solar (RTS) Power Plants. A capacity of 7.50 MWp of Roof Top/Ground Mounted Solar
power plants has already been installed across SAIL Plants and Units. Further, SAIL's
_rst Floating Solar Power Plant of 4 MWp at ISP has been commissioned in January, 2024 and
it produced 0.88 MUs of green power in February and March, 2024. In addition to this, a 15
MW capacity Floating Solar Power Plant over Cooling Pond in BSP through NSPCL is likely to
be commissioned by June, 2025. A capacity of 176.45 MWp of rooftop solar plants at various
Plants/ Units of the Company across the Country is in progress. Solar projects with
potential of 485 MW are being examined for techno-commercial feasibility. Besides this, 12
MW renewable bagasse-based power being procured for Salem Steel Plant and the proposed 10
MW Small Hydro Electric Plant over Mandira Dam, Rourkela in Joint venture with Green
Energy Development Corporation of Odisha Ltd. (GEDCOL) are progressively enhancing your
Company's green footprint.
Raw Materials
During the FY 2023-24, total requirement of iron ore was met from the
captive sources. Your Company's captive mines produced about 34.34 million tonnes
(MT) of iron ore. However, in case of clean coking coal, out of total consumption of 19.37
MT, about 2.45 MT was met from indigenous sources (Coal India Limited & captive
sources) and for the balance requirement of coking coal (16.92 MT), the Company had to
depend on imports due to constraint in availability of required quality, within the
Country. In the FY 2023-24, production from the captive collieries of the Company,
including middling & jhama, was about 1.184 MT, out of which 0.466 MT was raw coking
coal and balance 0.718 MT was non-coking coal. In case of _uxes, around 1.533 MT of
limestone and 0.485 MT of dolomite were produced from captive sources. For thermal coal,
your Company depends entirely on purchases from Coal India Limited, except for small
quantity produced from the captive mines.
Selling of Iron Ore from Captive Mines in Open Market
About 1.16 MT of iron ore was made available in the open market from
the Mines in the States of Odisha. Further, approval from Jharkhand State Government for
selling of iron ore in the open market is still awaited.
Grant of Environment Clearance (EC)
In order to expedite the process of selling of dump iron ore from
captive mines, proposals for amendment of existing environment clearances were submitted
to the MoEFCC and following ECs have been granted:
Amalgamated Lease (Barsua-Taldih-Kalta): Clearance for expansion
of ROM capacity from 8.05 MTPA to 16.00 MTPA granted on 28thA pril, 2023.
Dobil Lease of Chiria Mine: Clearance granted for transportation
of iron ore by Road for another 2 years from 23rd January, 2024.
Bolani Ore Mines: Amended EC extended for further period of 2
years to liquidate entire stock of old _nes dumps maximum up to 3MTPA by selling in open
market or supplying to external conversion agencies for captive use within the EC capacity
of 12 MTPA, on 13th September, 2023.
Chasnalla Colliery: On 21st August, 2023, State
Environment Impact Assessment Authority, Jharkhand, granted EC for the capacity expansion
of Chasnalla Colliery up to 1.2/1.5 MTPA (Normative/Peak), along with the expansion of the
coal washery of capacity 4 MTPA.
Jitpur Coal Mine: Vide Order dated 19 th June, 2023,
State Environment Impact Assessment Authority, Jharkhand granted EC for the expansion of
Jitpur Coal Mine up to 0.6/0.7 MTPA (Normative/Peak).
Iron Ore by Road from Rowghat to Antagarh: MoEFCC amended the EC
on 21st December, 2023, with the permission to transport 2.0 MTPA (@1.5 MTPA
for initial six months and 2.0 MTPA for the subsequent 18 months) of Iron Ore by Road from
Rowghat to Antagarh Railway Siding and/or Bhanupratappur Railway Siding, followed by Rail
transportation to Bhilai for a duration of 2 years w.e.f. 1st January, 2024.
Grant of Forest Clearance
MoEFCC on 26th May, 2023 has granted Stage-II Forest
Clearance for diversion of 465.62 ha of forest land (including safety zone) under 6.9 Sq.
Mile Lease of Bolani Mine.
MoEFCC vide Order dated 1st February, 2024 accorded
in-principle approval for diversion of safety zone under 6.9 Sq. Mile Lease of Bolani Mile
in pursuance to its Guidelines dated 7thN ovember, 2022.
Extension of Lease Period/Reservation Noti_cation Period
Government of Chhattisgarh vide Orders dated 6th July, 2023
and 10th July, 2023, has extended the lease periods of Rajhara H ill Lease and
Pandridalli & Rajhara Pahar Leases of Bhilai Steel Plant until 31st May,
2043 and 27thA pril, 2043 respectively.
Government of Chhattisgarh vide letter dated 3rd July, 2023
has extended K alwar-Nagur Lease upto 31st March, 2025.
In the process of execution of mining lease deed for
150-acre area in Ramanadurga Forest Range for iron ore, the Government
of Karnataka vide Order dated 29th February, 2024 has accorded approval
for relaxation for a further period of one year up to 19th February, 2025 to
obtain statutory clearance and execute the mining lease under Reservation made by Ministry
of Mines, GoI.
Appointment of MDO for Development of 4 MTPA Coal Mine at Tasra Coal
Block, Jharkhand
Consortium of M/s. Power Mech Projects Limited & M/s. P C Patel
Infra Pvt. Ltd. was appointed as a Mine Developer cum Operator ((MDO) for development of 4
MTPA Mine at Tasra Coal Block and Coal Mining Service Agreement (CMSA) was signed with
M/s. Kalyaneshwari Tasra Mining Pvt Ltd., a JV of the consortium, on 8th
September, 2023 (Commencement Date). Mining operation will commence @ 1.50 MTPA during the
3rd year and @ 4 MTPA from 5th year onwards. MDO shall construct the
washery within three years from the Commencement Date.
Operationalization of Kalwar-Nagur Iron Ore Mining Lease of BSP
On obtaining all the requisite statutory clearances, despatch of iron
ore from the Kalwar-Nagur Mine has commenced from 5th February, 2024 onwards.
Resumption of Mining Operations at Ramnagore Coal Mine
On account of absence of a composite contract and local issues,
operations at Salanpur quarry at Ramnagore Coal Mine were halted in September, 2020. With
the contract _nalized, operations have resumed in November, 2023 and production is
gradually increasing.
Resumption of Production at Jitpur Colliery
Consequent to Consent to Operate (CTO) from the Jharkhand State
Pollution Control Board on 24th July, 2023, production activities commenced on
20th September, 2023 in Jitpur Colliery.
Valuation of Compensation for Payment to the Prior Allottee (SAIL) for
Sitanala Coal Mines
On 16thO ctober, 2023, the Nominated Authority of Ministry
of Coal issued a _nal compensation Order of 10.17 crore for the Geological Report cost
and the same was refunded on 16th February, 2024. However, as the other
compensation requests were not considered, SAIL _led a writ petition on 8th
January, 2024, challenging the Order.
Utilisation of Dump Fines of Gua Ore Mines
Evacuation of dump _nes at Gua Ore Mines for captive use started in
November, 2023, with the _rst rake being dispatched to BSL for captive use. About 62,835
tonne of iron ore has been dispatched to SAIL Steel Plants for captive use upto 31st
March, 2024.
Commencement of Dispatch of Manganese Ore from Bolani Ore Mines
The inaugural shipment of 1136 tonnes of Manganese from 6.9 Sq. Mile
Lease of Bolani Ore Mines was sent to Rourkela Steel Plant on 30thA ugust,
Registration of SAIL for Green Credit Programme of MoEFCC
In the FY 2023-24, SAIL has successfully enrolled in the Green Credit
Programme (GCP) by submitting applications for two plantation blocks, measuring 25
hectares and 10 hectares respectively, in the State of Chhattisgarh. Generated Green
Credit under the programme, can be exchanged to ful_l compensatory a_orestation
obligations in cases of forest land diversion for non-forestry purposes under the Van
(Sanrakshan Evam Samvardhan) Adhiniyam, 1980, where applicable. Additionally, these
credits may also be utilized for environmental, social, and governance reporting
activities under relevant laws and regulations currently in e_ect.
Sales & Marketing
During the Financial Year (FY) 2023-24, your Company achieved Saleable
Steel sales volume of around 17.24 million tonnes (MT), registering a growth of about 4.8%
over previous year. With Home Sales of 16.17 MT for Mild Steel, there has been a growth of
about 6.3% over FY 2022-23. While the overall exports declined over FY 2022-23, the
Company was able to achieve growth in Wire Rod exports of 11% in FY 2023-24 amidst various
challenges in the international market.
For most part of FY 2023-24, the Global Steel business scenario has
been under pressure due to overcapacity and increased exports from China. At the same
time, many developed countries are facing high interest rates and in_ation due to which
demand has generally been on the lower side. The developing countries are also facing
_nancial challenges due to depreciating currencies and weak _nancial conditions. Compared
to international situation, India has fared relatively better and SAIL concentrated more
on domestic sales.
During FY 2023-24, Global prices of steel products had dampened and
were usually softening continuously. Lower international prices resulted in higher
domestic availability, which in turn kept domestic prices under pressure during major part
of the year. Raw material prices remained volatile. The Company adopted focused approach
for improving its sales in domestic markets by entering new market segments, expanding
reach through retail network and making e_orts to improve price realization in a highly
competitive scenario. Consumption of Finished Steel in India in FY 2023-24 was 136.25 MT,
a growth of 13.6% over previous year, while Finished Steel production was 138.825 MT,
which is a growth of 12.7% over FY 2022-23. The Building, Construction and Infrastructure
continued to be fulcrum of growth in steel sector due to consistent increase in Capex
spending on infrastructure by the Government of India. A total budgetary provision of 15
lakh crore had been made for Govt. Capex in the Union Budget 2023-24, to boost growth of I
nfra and Construction segment. Your Company has been ful_lling the entire demand of steel
tracks from Indian Railways for decades. A total of 11.50 lakh tonnes of Rails were
supplied to Indian Railways in FY 2023-24, the 260m long-rail welded-panel component in
the total R ail supply being about 87.5%, which is highest ever and registered a growth of
8% over the previous year. It may be mentioned that 100% of the 60 kg Rail supplied to
Railways during FY 2023-24 comprised the newly developed R-260 grade in 60E-1 pro_le. In
addition to this, commercial supply of Long Rail Panels in R350 HT Grade has been started
in FY 2023-24 as per Railway's requirement for Higher Axles Load (25T ) routes.
Various technological developments, including installation of new _ash butt welding
machine at Rail & Structural Mill, Bhilai Steel Plant have been carried out to improve
the supply component of Long Rail panels, as per demand from Indian Railways. Further,
supplies of Long Rail Panels have been started from Flash Butt Welding Plant (FBWP),
Sabarmati, as per MoU with Indian Railways during FY 2023-24. The MoU between Western
Railway and Bhilai Steel Plant is expected to augment the supplies of Long Rail Panels
through _ash butt welding of 26 mtr. R ails.
SAIL has been the pioneer and the only domestic producer catering to
the forged steel wheel requirements of Indian
Railways. In addition to being the largest domestic producer of Loco
Wheels for Indian Railways, over the years, a number of wheel pro_les have been developed
by SAIL, which have substituted imports, thereby, furthering the cause of Atmanirbhar
Bharat initiative of the Government of India. In this regard, 42,024 numbers of WTA
(Wheel, Tyre, Axle) items were supplied to Indian Railways in FY 2023-24, including few
pro_les which are import substitution items.
Your Company's presence in certain critical areas of Defence has
been strategically signi_cant with MOU being signed with the Indian Coast Guard for
indigenous procurement of Ship-building Grades steel promoting Aatmanirbhar Bharat.
Additionally, Special Grades for tank/shells have been developed.
Continuing the journey for increasing sales of value added and special
quality products to the consumers, SAIL's basket in FY 2023-24, inter-alia, included
Vacuum degassed Cold Heading Quality Wire Rods for the Auto Industry; Various Value Added
Semis like 19MnB4, SUP11A, IS 11169 25C10BT/ SAE 15B/25, etc. have been developed for
applications in Forging, Spring steel, Auto industry, Hi-Tensile TLT segment/ General
engineering, etc. Products like SAILFORMING 410 and HSFQ 550 grade for Automotive
component and API X60/X65/X70 HR Coil for Oil and Gas Pipe Line have been developed at
HSM-2 of Rourkela Steel Plant. Certi_cation has been obtained for the same. Further, IS
5914 HS345 2.2/2.5mm HR Coil for LPG cylinder has been developed and certi_cation has been
obtained for the same. Semis in grades AISI SS 410 Low Phosphorous Low Sulphur for usage
in oil pipelines and grade CF-53 for nuclear applications have been developed at the
Special Steel Plants of your Company. The brand "SAIL SeQR" for TMT has been
further strengthened by clocking sales of 8.44 lakh tonnes during FY 2023-24, compared to
5.61 lakh tonnes in the previous year, thereby registering a growth of 50%. In addition to
this, brandNEX' for Structurals is also being promoted. Your Company is working
towards expanding the 2-Tier and 1-Tier distributorship networks across India, which will
further strengthen our position in B2C space. 41 more distributors were added in 1-Tier
during the FY 2023-24, reaching a total of 58 as on 31st March, 2024, and
thereby, achieving sales of 12.59 lakh tonnes through Tier-I Distributors. With regard to
2-Tier, for giving boost to sales through Retail Channel, SAIL has a strong network of
distributors and dealers across the Country with 50 distributors and 5121 dealers as on
31st March, 2024. Further, the Company has achieved retail sales of 9.47
lakh tonnes of TMT during FY 2023-24, with a growth of 31% over previous year. Under
"Mission Poorvodaya" Scheme by Ministry of Steel, an Incentivization
Scheme"Ispati Ilakon Ka Vikas-SAIL Ke Saath" was introduced by SAIL for
development of MSMEs based in the districts in which its Integrated Steel Plants are
located. During the FY 2023-24, more than 1,20,000 tonnes of various steel products have
been sold to these MSMEs, registering a growth of around 35% over the previous year.
During the FY 2023-24, your Company has supplied 2.21 lakh tonnes steel
to NSIC/SSIC, with growth of 21% over previous year. Further, in line with National Steel
Policy, to improve per capita consumption of steel in the Country, more than 400
"Gaon Ki Ore" workshops were organised during FY 2023-24 across I ndia for
propagating steel usage. In addition to this, your Company also participated in a number
of trade fairs and exhibitions related to steel sector viz. Build-Expo at Hassan
(Karnataka), Real Estate Expo at Vizag, Property Expo organised by Tamilnadu Engineer
Association, SAIL SeQR promotion through sponsorship in IIT Ropar and IIT-BHU and Krishi
Darshan Expo at Hisar (18th-20th Feb'24), International
Technical Seminar of IPWE 2023 (Mumbai), Steel & Metal ConferenceSupply Chain
and Sourcing Strategies (Mumbai), to name a few. SAIL also organised a number of events
for the promotion of SAIL SeQR like SAIL SeQR Run for Green, Marathon in Delhi, SAIL SeQR
Run at Chennai, etc.
The Warehousing Group of Marketing Organisation has implemented I
ntegrated Vehicle Tracking System in all Warehouses & CA/WLA units, ensuring real time
tracking of the consignments. Spot-bidding for door delivery was implemented in all
Warehouses & CA/WLA units for getting faster competitive freight rates, e_cient
transportation for faster door delivery, etc. Your Company has been contributing to nation
building since inception by servicing the requirement of various Iconic Structures and
also projects of Strategic Importance. During the FY 2023-24, SAIL has supplied signi_cant
quantity of Steel to Power Projects, Road, Rail, Airport Infrastructure Projects, Oil
& Gas Sector, etc., the major projects being Bengaluru Metro Rail Corpn.; Chennai
Metro R ail Corpn.; K alapakkam Nuclear Project in Southern Region; Mumbai Trans Harbour
Link Project; Versova Baroda Sea Link Project; Mumabi Delhi expressway (Surat- Dahod
Package); Rawbatta Nuclear Plant, Rajasthan in Western Region; Zozilla Tunnel in Sonmarg;
Ganga Expressway (Meerut to Prayagraj); Delhi Amritsar Katra Highway in
Northern Region; AIIMS at Deoghar; 111 Km long Broad Gauge Extension project connecting
Jiribam-Tupul-Imphal through 52 tunnels & 149 bridges; Mokama Railway Bridge in Patna,
Jagannath Pilgrimage Centre at Puri, in Eastern Region.
Your Company is strategically oriented in building and cementing
relationship with customers & prospects, upgrading products and services through
branding, promotions, research, process improvements, digitalization, etc. SAIL has
developed a leadership position in consumer mind space and is striving sincerely to bridge
the ever changing expectation gaps in an ever evolving and increasingly demanding business
scenario with focus on pro_tability and enterprise value.
Public Procurement Policy for Micro and SmallEnterprises
As required by the Public Procurement Policy of the Government of
India, the information on procurement from Micro & Small Enterprises during FYs
2023-24 and 2022-23 is given below:
Particulars |
2023-24 |
2022-23 |
Total Amount of Procurement |
9971.41 |
9508.86 |
Total Procurement from MSE |
2919.87 |
3110.30 |
% age Procurement from MSE |
29.28 |
32.71 |
Modernisation & Expansion Plan
A capital expenditure of 5,646 crore has been incurred during FY
2023-24 against the Revised Budget Estimate of
6,000 crore. Capex planned for the FY 2024-25 is at 6,300 crore.
The details of Addition, Modi_cation & Replacement (AMR) Schemes under implementation
are given in the Management Discussion & Analysis (MD&A) Report.
Your Company recognizes contribution of its Human Resources in
providing it the competitive advantage. The Company has achieved its present level of
excellence through investment in its human resource, where skill and knowledge constitute
the basis of every initiative- be it technology or innovation. Developing skills and
capabilities of employees to improve manpower utilization and labour productivity is the
key thrust area of Human Resource Management (HRM) in the Company.
Your Company provides an environment conducive for learning, encourages
adoption of best practices in every area and nurtures creativity and innovation among
employees. Human Resource initiatives in SAIL are focused on developing team spirit,
employee empowerment and their involvement in various improvement activities. Strategic
alignment of HRM to business priorities and objectives has facilitated smooth transition
to state-of-the-art' technology in the Modernization and Expansion Projects.
Enhanced Productivity with Rationalized Manpower
Your Company achieved Labour Productivity (LP) of 579 TCS/Man/Year in
FY 2023-24. The manpower strength of the Company was 55,989 nos. as on 1st
April, 2024 with manpower rationalization of 3,197 nos. achieved during the FY 2023-24.
The enhanced productivity with rationalized manpower could be achieved as a result of
judicious recruitments, building competencies and infusing a sense of commitment and
passion among employees to go beyond and excel. Trend of enhanced productivity and
manpower rationalization since 2014-15, onwards is depicted below:
Manpower & Labour Productivity during last 10 years
Developing Employee Capabilities & Competencies
Your Company believes that people's development is the key for
overall growth of the organisation. Training and development activities have facilitated
development of employees' knowledge and skills, resulting in advancement of
competencies, thereby leading to attainment of Organisational goals and objectives. SAIL
has been making sustained e_orts through various training and development activities with
focus on preservation, transfer and improvement of skills, knowledge and technology in
collaboration with reputed organizations and development of e_ective managerial
competencies in association with premier institutes.
Preparing employees for tomorrow is being given a major thrust with a
view to enable them to e_ectively take up challenges and discharge new roles and
responsibilities. Overall 45,314 employees were trained against target of 32,765 employees
during the FY 2023-24 on various contemporary technical and managerial modules.In addition
to this, the Contractual Workers at Plants are being provided Recognition of Prior
Learning (RPL) training through Indian Iron and Steel Sector Council (IISSSC). The
learning and development continuity of the Organization was maintained through various
online interventions, apart from the regular programs and e-learning modules being made
available in the in-house e-learning portal.
Harmonious Employee Relations
SAIL has maintained its glorious tradition of building and maintaining
a conducive and ful_lling employer-employee relations environment. The healthy practice of
sorting out and settling issues through discussions with trade unions/ workers'
representatives enabled the Company in ensuring workers' participation at di_erent
levels and establishing a peaceful industrial relations climate. Some of the bipartite
forums are functioning since early seventies and are su_ciently empowered to address
di_erent issues related to wage, safety, and welfare of workers, thus, helping in
establishing a conducive work environment.
Bipartite forums like National Joint Committee for Steel Industry
(NJCS), Joint Committee on Safety, Health & Environment in SteelIndustry (JCSSI), etc.
with representation from major central Trade Unions as well as representative Unions of
Plants/Units meet on periodic basis and jointly evolve recommendations/ action plans for
ensuring a safe environment and harmonious work culture which gets substantiated from the
harmonious Industrial Relations witnessed over the years by SAIL Plants/Units, marked with
diverse work culture at multi-locations.
In addition, Quality Circles, Suggestion Schemes, Shop Welfare
Committees, Safety Committee, Canteen Management Committee, Productivity Committee, etc.
also o_er multiple avenues for enhanced workers' participation. Workers are also kept
abreast of strategic business decisions and their views sought thereon through structured/
interactive workshops.
Communication is done in a structured manner with employees at various
levels on a wide range of issues impacting the Company's performance as well as those
related to employees' welfare across the Company. Mass communication campaigns are
undertaken at Director In- charges'/Senior O_cers' level involving structured
discussion with large group of employees. These interactive sessions help employees to
align their working with the goals and objective of the Company leading to not only higher
production and productivity but also enhance the sense of belongingness of the employees.
Grievance Redressal Mechanism
E_ective internal grievances redressal mechanism has been evolved and
established in SAIL Plants and Units, separately for Executives and Non-executives.
Grievance Redressal Machinery exists at Plant/Unit level for e_ective redressal of
SAIL Plants/Units are maintaining grievance handling mechanism and
employees are given an opportunity at every stage to raise grievances relating to wage
irregularities, working conditions, transfers, leave, work assignments, welfare amenities,
etc. Majority of grievances are redressed informally in view of the participative nature
of environment prevailing in the Steel Plants/Units. The system is comprehensive, simple
and _exible and has proved e_ective in promoting harmonious relationship between employees
and management.
273 sta_ grievances were received during the FY 2023-24 and with 11
grievances were pending from previous year, 252 sta_ grievances have been disposed of
during the year, achieving 89% ful_llment and leaving 32 grievances outstanding at the end
of FY 2023-24.
Further, during FY 2023-24, 732 grievances were received under
Centralised Public Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS), a National level
online system managed by Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievance
(DARPG), Government of India.
The Status of Grievances received and disposed from 1st April,
2023 to 31st March, 2024 is as under:
S. No. |
Particulars |
Received (including
Brought Forward) |
Disposed |
Pending as on 31st
March, 2024 |
1 |
Public Grievances |
585 |
549 |
36 |
2 |
Appeals |
147 |
132 |
15 |
Total |
732 |
681 |
51 |
Remuneration Policy
In SAIL, pay and other bene_ts for executives are based on the
Presidential Directives issued by the Ministry of Steel, Government of India. Presidential
Directives for revision of pay scales of Board level and below Board level executives were
issued by the Ministry of Steel vide letter dated 18thNovember, 2021 w.e.f. 1st
January, 2017 notionally and the actual payment was made w.e.f. 1st April,
2020. In case of Non-executive employees, the wages including perks were _nalized/revised
in bipartite forum of National Joint Committee for Steel Industry (NJCS) with the approval
of Ministry of Steel on 18th November, 2021. The pay scales have been
implemented notionally w.e.f. 1st January, 2017 and the actual payment was made
w.e.f. 1st April, 2020. The Perks and Allowances under Cafeteria Approach have
been implemented w.e.f. 18th November, 2021. In terms of noti_cation dated 5th
June, 2015 issued by Ministry of Corporate A_airs, Government of India, the provisions of
section 197 of the Companies Act, 2013 are not applicable to Government Companies. As
such, the disclosures to be made in the Board's Report in respect of overall maximum
managerial remuneration and managerial remuneration in case of absence or inadequacy of
pro_ts are not included in this Report.
Initiatives for Socio-economic Development of SCs/STs & Other
Weaker Sections of the Society
SAIL Plants and Units including Mines are situated in economically
backward regions of the Country with predominant SC/ST population. Your Company has made
commendable contribution to the overall development of civic, medical, educational and
other facilities in these regions. Some of the contributions are:
Establishment of SAIL Steel Plants in economically backward areas has
given a _llip to the economic activities, thus, bene_ting the population in the peripheral
areas with di_erent types of services. Steel Townships developed by SAIL have the best of
medical, education and civic facilities and are like an oasis for the local Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other population who share the bene_ts of prosperity and
development along with SAIL employees.
Recruitment of non-executive employees, around 82% of the total
employees, is carried out mainly on regional level and hence, a large number of SCs/STs
and other weaker section of the society get the bene_t of employment in SAIL.
Over the years, a large group of ancillary industries have also
developed in the vicinity of Steel Plants. This has created opportunities for local
unemployed persons for jobs and development of entrepreneurship.
For jobs of temporary & intermittent nature, generally contractors
are engaged for executing job contracts wherein they deploy workmen from the local areas,
which again provides an opportunity for employment of local candidates from economically
weaker section.
Your Company has undertaken several initiatives for the socio-economic
development of SCs/STs and other weaker sections of the society which are mainly as under:
Special Schools have been started exclusively for poor,
underprivileged children at _ve Integrated Steel Plant locations. The facilities provided
include free education, mid-day meals, uniforms including shoes, text books, stationery
items, school bags, water bottles, etc.
No tuition fee is charged from SC/ST students studying in
the Company run schools, whether they are SAIL employees' wards or
non-employees' wards.
Free medical health centres have been set up at Bhilai,
Durgapur, Rourkela, Bokaro and Burnpur (Gutgutpara) providing free medical consultation,
medicines, etc. to the peripheral population mainly comprising of SC/ST and weaker
sections of society.
SAIL Plants have adopted tribal children. They are being
provided free education, uniforms, text books, stationery, meals, boarding, lodging and
medical facilities for their overall growth at residential hostels, Saranda Suvan
Chhatravas, Gyanodaya Hostel and an exclusive Gyan Jyoti Yojana for the nearly extinct
Birhor Tribe.
For Skill Development and better employability, youths & women of
peripheral villages have been provided vocational and specialized skill development
training at various ITIs, Nursing tribal school pass-outs have been sponsored for coaching
in premier institutes for IIT/JEE entrance examinations and for trainings along with
monthly stipend, accommodation, transportation and food facility at various ITIs, Nursing
and other vocational training institutes.
Implementation of Presidential Directives on Reservation for SC/ST/OBC,
Your Company follows Presidential Directives on
Reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the matter of
recruitments and promotions. As on 1st April, 2024, out of total
manpower of 55989, 9477 belong to SCs (16.9%), 8949 belong to STs (16.0%).
Liaison Officers have been appointed as per Presidential
Directives for due compliance of the Orders and instructions pertaining
to reservation for SCs/STs/OBCs/ PWDs at Plants/Units of SAIL.
SC/ST/OBC Cell is functioning in all the main Plants/Units.
A member belonging to SC/ST community is associated in all Departmental
Promotion Committees (DPCs)/ Selection Committees. A su_ciently senior level o_cer of
SC/ST category is nominated for the purpose as per the level of the Recruitment
Board/Selection Committees/ DPC.
Out of the total manpower of 55989, number of OBCs is
9431, which is 16.8% of the manpower. Reservation for OBCs came into
force with e_ect from 8th September, 1993. OBC candidates joining prior to this
date are shown against the Unreserved (UR) category. Liaison o_cers have been appointed
for due compliance of orders and instructions pertaining to reservation for OBC at Plants/
Internal workshops are conducted at regular intervals through an
external expert for Liaison O_cers for SC/ ST/OBC and other dealing o_cers of SAIL
Plants/Units to keep them updated on the reservation policy for SC/ST/ OBCs and other
related matters.
Plants/Units of SAIL have SC/ST Employees' Welfare
Associations which conduct regular meetings with Liaison O_cers on
implementation of reservation policy & other issues. In addition, an Apex level
umbrella body namely SAIL SC/ST Employees Federation also exists in SAIL to represent the
issues of SC/ST Employees in a coordinated manner.
Implementation of Right to Information Act, 2005
The provisions under the Right to Information Act, 2005(Act) are being
complied by all the Plants and Units of SAIL. All statutory reports, including Annual
Report, are being sent to Ministry of Steel and also being uploaded on the website of the Your Company has appointed Public Information O_cers
(PIO)/Assistant Public Information O_cers and Appellate Authorities and Transparency O_cer
in each Plant and Unit under Sections 5 and 19(1) of the Act for speedy redressal of the
queries received under the Act. Under Section 5(5), all the o_cers/line managers
responsible for providing information to the PIO are called Deemed PIO, and are made
equally responsible as PIO, towards timely submission of information to the applicant.
An exclusive RTI Portal has been developed with link available on the
website of the Company. All the Plants/Units have listed 17 manuals and details of
Authorities under the Act are uploaded on the website of the Company. Quarterly Returns
and Annual Returns on implementation of the Act are being submitted online through the CIC
portal. I mplementation of online request has already been introduced from 1st
May, 2015. A compilation of Record R etention Policy of various functions of Corporate
O_ce has also been uploaded on the website of the Company. Awareness Programs/Workshops on
RTI have been organised across Plants/ Units.
SAIL received a total of 3,071 applications and 529 appeals under the
Act during the FY 2023-24 and all of them have been disposed of within the time frame
stipulated under the Act. CIC has also taken up 43 cases and most of these cases were
disposed of in favour of the Company.
Since enactment of the Act, SAIL has received a total of 55,567
applications and 8,582 appeals up to 31st March, 2024, which were disposed-o_
within the stipulated time. Out of these, 1,151 cases were taken up by the CIC and most of
these cases were disposed of in favour of the Company.
Citizen Charter
Your Company is totally committed to excellence in public service
delivery through good governance, by a laid down process of identifying citizens, our
commitment to them in meeting their expectations and our communication to them of our key
policies, in order to make the service delivery process more e_ective.
SAIL's Citizen Charter has outlined commitment of SAIL towards its
stakeholders, thereby empowering them to demand better products and services. Objectives
of the Citizen's Charter of SAIL may be summarized as below:
Ensuring citizen-centric focus across all its processes by adopting
Total Quality Management Principles for improvement of products and services.
Ensuring effective citizen communication channels.
Demonstrating transparency and openness of its business operations by
hosting the Citizen's Charter on the Corporate website.
Working towards the delight of citizens, by fail-safe processes and in
case of exigencies leveraging its service recovery processes, like Grievance Redressal,
Handling Complaints, etc.
Disclosure under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013:
Your Company has set up Internal Complaints Committees in line with the
requirement of the Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition
and Redressal) Act, 2013. These Committees have been set up to redress complaints, if any,
received regarding sexual harassment. All employees of the Company are covered under these
The details of sexual harassment complaints received and disposed of
during the year 2023-24 are as under:
Particulars |
No. of Complaints |
Number of complaints pending as on 1st
April, 2023 |
2 |
Number of complaints received in 2023-24 |
3 |
Number of complaints disposed of during 2023-24 |
3 |
Number of complaints pending as on 31st
March, 2024 |
2 |
Your Company has won the following awards during the FY 2023-24:
SAIL has been conferred with the McGibony, Institutional
Award by the Academy of Hospital Administration, New Delhi in December,
2023 in recognition of the e_orts made by SAIL during the CoVID-19 pandemic. The award was
presented by Dr. Jitendra Singh, Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Science
& Technology; MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space
to Shri Krishna Kumar Singh, Director (Personnel), SAIL.
SAIL has been certified as a "Great Place to Work" for the
period December, 2023 to December, 2024 by the Great Place to Work Institute, an
internationally renowned organization. The "Great Place to Work" certi_cation is
a global recognition re_ecting SAIL's commitment to being a respected and
sought-after employer.
SAIL achieved the Golden Peacock Environment
Management Award 2023 by the Institute of Directors.
SAIL was awarded Ispat Rajbhasha Samman' for Excellent
O_cial Language Implementation in the year 2021-22. The award was given
by the then Minister of State for Steel and Rural Development, Shri Faggan Singh Kulaste
ji in the meeting of the Hindi Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Steel held in
Srinagar on 25thA pril, 2023 and was received by Shri Krishna Kumar Singh,
Director (Personnel), SAIL.
The Hindi in-house magazine Ispat Bhasha Bharti' of SAIL
Corporate O_ce was honored with the O_cial Language Award on 21st
September, 2023 in the International Hindi Conference, 2023 organised by Vishwa Hindi
SAIL Corporate Communication was conferred with four awards by the
Public Relations Council of I ndia in the categories (i) Best Digital Newsletter; (ii)
Best Use of Social Media; (iii)Best Story telling; and (iv) Best Corporate Film, at the
award function held on 22nd September, 2023.
Cold Rolling Mill-III at Bokaro Steel Plant won first prize in
CII Production Awards (2023-24).
Within the ambit of noti_ed environmental standards applicable for
emission and discharge of pollutants into the environment and rules pertaining to
eco-friendly management of various wastes, being generated inside the Plant premises as
well as in the townships, SAIL Plants and Mines operate their processes without disturbing
the ecological balance, rather preserving the same. As an environmentally conscious and
responsible corporate citizen, SAIL undertakes all its operations at its Plants, Mines and
Units with the underlying objective of promoting clean, green and sustainable growth. The
Company also strives to integrate its business values and operations in an ethical and
transparent manner to demonstrate its commitment towards sustainable development and to
meet the interest of its stakeholders. Your Company has also drawn its environmental
vision in consonance with the Corporate Environmental Policy, which not only addresses the
need for compliance of prescribed norms but also emphasizes on striving to go beyond.
Besides, your Company is committed to address the stakeholders' concerns and
communicate its environmental philosophy to all the stake holders. The Corporate
Environmental Policy is available at the website of the
Improvement in Environmental Performance
SAIL Plants and Mines are e_ciently operating the pollution control
devices/facilities and maintaining them regularly through
revamping/refurbishing/revitalization and also upgrading them regularly, for the purpose
of complying with the applicable environmental standards, which are becoming more and more
stringent with each passing day. Concerted e_orts including robust and systematic
environment management actions and initiatives have resulted in achieving major
improvements during the FY 2023-24 over the last _ve years in the following areas:
The Specific Particulate Matter (PM) Emission Load has reduced by more
than 15% to 0.58 kg/tcs.
Water consumption has reduced by around 14% to 3.02 m3/tcs.
Specific E uent Discharge has reduced by more than
31% to 1.27 m3/tss.
Specific E uent Load has reduced by around 34% to
0.054 kg/tcs.
Utilisation of BF Slag has increased by more than 1% to
BOF Slag Utilisation increased by more than 102% to
Total Solid Waste Utilisation has increased by more than
16% to 102%.
(Values more than 100% indicate utilization from stock) During the FY
2023-24, following projects were completed to improve upon environmental footprint:
Silica Reduction Plant at Dalli-Rajhara Mines under BSP.
Recirculation of recovery pit water of Slag Granulation
Plant of BF#3 at DSP.
Recirculation of wastewater at source to reduce wastewater through
Outfall#5 at DSP.
Lagoon Management System at RSP.
Treatment System-1 for treatment and recycling of e uent from Outfall#1
at RSP.
Refurbishing of ESP#2 in Refractory Material Plant at BSL.
Cast House Slag Granulation Plant#1 with BF#1 at BSL.
Treatment and recirculation of wastewater from BF, BOF and PBS seal pot
at ISP.
Treatment and recirculation of wastewater from CCP, RHF,
WRM & BM, USM, CCAS and Oxygen Plant at ISP.
Adoption of Energy-E_cient Technologies and State-of- the-Art Pollution
Control Equipment/Facilities
Your Company has implemented latest state-of-the-art clean technologies
and best available and feasible pollution control facilities in the course of its
Modernization and Expansion Plan and thereafter, in its drive for adoption of cleaner
Some of the major clean technologies/latest pollution control
facilities installed are as under:
Tall Coke Oven Batteries along with Coke Dry Cooling
Plant, Land based Pushing Emission Control System, Computerised
Combustion Control System.
Top Pressure Recovery Turbine (TRT), Coal Dust Injection
(CDI) and Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) with stoves in large volume
(>4000 m3) Blast Furnaces as well as Torpedo Ladles for Hot Metal transfer
to Steel Melting Shop (SMS).
Sinter Plant integrated with improved ignition system
(multi-slit burners), Waste Heat Recovery system with Sinter Cooler.
Continuous Casting of steel.
Cast House Slag Granulation Plants.
Walking Beam type Reheating Furnaces in Rolling Mills.
Variable Voltage Variable Frequency (VVVF) drives in Plant machineries.
Installation of energy-efficient IE3 motors and pumps in plant
By-product gas fired boilers for power generation.
Initiatives taken for Decarbonisation and Carbon Capture, Utilisation
and Sequestration
BSP signed an MoU with the SMS Group, Germany's leading
engineering company, in August, 2023 to explore innovative and sustainable solutions for
the long-term transformation of steel production. Such collaboration will promote
decarbonisation technology in steelmaking processes, in addition to contributing
signi_cantly in reduction of carbon footprint at Steel Plants of SAIL.
As a part of Decarbonisation Strategy to become
Carbon Neutral, RSP inked an MoU with M/s. Primetals Technologies,
Austria GmbH in February, 2024 in its endeavour to adopt Green Steelmaking Technologies
Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Sequestration (CCUS) is one of the
technologies that can mitigate the carbon emission from the Iron and Steel Industry and
has immense potential to help the Country meet its emission targets, while ensuring the
sustainability of the sectors critical to growth of the Indian economy. With the aim of
collaborating in the area of CCUS, actions have been initiated to set up pilot project
separately at di_erent Plant sites in partnership with M/s. Ram Charan Company Pvt. Ltd.
(RCPL), Chennai, to capture carbon from the industrial _ue gases and convert the same into
useful products such as Methanol, Ethanol, Propanol, Isoamyl Alcohols and Acetates, etc.
After successful pilot scale demonstration, commercial viability of the process shall be
studied to reinforce the unwavering commitment of SAIL to advance technologies that
contribute to CCUS. In addition to this, IISCO Steel Plant has awarded a contract to IIT,
Mumbai for setting up a CCUS facility of 50 TPD. This shall be an important milestone in
SAIL's journey towards carbon neutrality.
Strategic Approach on Decarbonisation of SAIL
Keeping in view India's NDC commitment of achieving 2.30 tonnes of
per tonne of Crude Steel (t/tcs) by 2030, the
decarbonisation programme of SAIL has been segregated in three distinct
phases, incorporating Action Plans to achieve 2.19 t/tcs by the year 2030-31.
SAIL's decarbonisation strategy has been designed based on the
existing architecture and logistics, availability of technology, product basket and market
dynamics, technology infusion rate & availability of fund, future expansion plan,
breakthrough technological developments, Government policies, and the Company's
social commitment.
Phase-I Decarbonisation: From 2005-06 to 2022-23
During Phase-I, SAIL reduced its emission intensity by
around 20%. Major initiatives taken for reduction of
emission intensity are enumerated below:
Adoption of energy-e_cient cum mitigating
Coke Dry Cooling Plant (CDCP) facility in tall Coke Oven
Batteries (COBs).
BF Top gas Pressure Recovery Turbine (TRT), Coal Dust
Injection (CDI) and Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) in large volume BFs.
Torpedo ladle for Hot Metal transfer from BF to SMS.
WHR System in Sinter Plants.
Walking Beam type Reheating Furnaces in Rolling Mills.
Gas-fired boilers for power generation.
Energy efficient shaft kilns.
Variable Voltage Variable Frequency (VVVF) drives in plant machineries.
Use of renewable energy: 6.115 MW of solar plants already set up.
Floating type & roof-top solar plants and hydel power plant under installation.
Switching over to energy-efficient illumination: More than 7.34 lakh
nos. of conventional lights already replaced with LED lights.
Plantation of around 22 million trees since inception and
eco-restoration of mined out areas.
Phase-II Decarbonisation: Post-modernisation period till 2030-31
In consonance with the Country's demand and Make in India
initiative, SAIL is also poised to increase its Crude Steel production from 19.2 Million
Tonne (MT) during 2023-24 to 31.49 MT by 2030-31 from its Integrated Steel Plants and is
committed to substantially reduce emissions through
adoption of new technologies and increased share of
renewable/non-conventional energy.
In Phase-II, SAIL has set a target of ~12% reduction of
emission intensity in line with India's NDC, thereby, bringing
down the CO2 emission below 2.19 tonne CO2/tcs.
Phase-III Deep Decarbonisation for Net Zero by 2070
With the presently available and established technologies in the steel
sector, target of carbon neutrality is extremely challenging. The goal carbon neutrality
can be achieved through adoption of some breakthrough technologies for steelmaking, which
mainly utilize non-fossil fuel based reductant or any alternate fuel and processes which
can signi_cantly reduce the emission from steelmaking. The signi_cant ones are as under:
Further improvement in energy efficiency of processes through
retro_tting Best Available Technologies (BATs).
Phasing out the energy-intensive old processes.
Full capacity utilization of the installed units.
Usage of improved quality raw material by enhancing bene_ciation
facilities and sourcing of good quality raw material from new mines.
Increasing share of renewable/green power to substitute fossil based
Integration of Industry 4.0.
Product and Process Innovation through R&D along with new
initiatives for developing low carbon technologies for Iron & Steel making.
Partnership with the Technology providers and academic institutes of
national/international repute for CCUS/ Green Steelmaking.
Increase green cover to augment carbon sink.
Maximizing the use of tools like Life Cycle Assessment
(LCA) to identify the weak areas and formulating action plans for
improving the process and energy e_ciency emissions at
shall help SAIL in achieving the targeted CO2
a much faster pace
Gradually influence supply chain to reduce carbon footprint.
Environment-friendly Disposal of Polychlorinated Biphenyls
The "Stockholm Convention" is a global treaty to protect
human health and the environment from Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). Use of
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB), a POP, in any form shall be completely prohibited by 31st
December, 2025. PCBs are used in transformers as dielectric _uid and also as cleaning
solvent. In compliance with the Stockholm Convention on POPs, a facility for
environment-friendly disposal of PCBs, has been installed at
BSP in partnership with MoEFCC and UNIDO. This project is the _rst of
its kind in the Country.
Enhancing utilization of wastes through application of 4R's
(Reduction, Reuse, Recycling and Recovery)
Your Company is committed to reduce solid waste generation and maximise
its utilisation to achieve 100% and has adopted the "4R's Policy" (Reduce,
Recover, Recycle and Reuse) across all its processes.
With a view to enhance utilisation of BOF Slag, a R&D project
proposal on "Development of Steel Slag based cost e_ective eco-friendly fertilizers
for sustainable agriculture and inclusive growth" has been taken up through
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), under the guidance of the Ministry of
Steel. IARI has developed di_erent Steel Slag Based Value Added Products and shared it
with the industry partners for evaluation of independent _eld performance. All the _ve
Integrated Steel Plants of SAIL have initiated actions to undertake _eld trial at their
site. The project will ensure symbiotic growth of steel industry and agriculture. Besides,
the project is envisaged to open up a promising avenue towards gainful utilisation of BOF
Slag as soil ameliorating agent and promoting circular economy.
SAIL has also taken steps for utilisation of BOF slag in rural road
construction under Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sadak Yojna (PMGSY).
BOF Slag used for land filling and road making in ISP &
DSP was 314% and 199% respectively in the _nancial year 2023-24.
As a green initiative and for achieving 100% solid waste utilisation,
along with reducing emissions, BSP has
established SAIL Green Tiles Plant' of capacity 1000 nos. of
tiles per day for manufacturing paver blocks using BOF Slag. In addition to this, BSP is
also exploring a new avenue for utilisation of BOF Slag as a replacement of runner sand in
Blast Furnace. The results during the trials carried out by M/s. Proman Infrastructure
Services Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, were encouraging and 25% BOF Slag sand has been recommended
for use as runner dressing material mixed with the normal runner sand.
Switching over to LED Illuminating System
Your Company is gradually shifting to more energy-e_cient and durable
LED lighting system from conventional lighting system in consonance with the Government of
India's initiative "Unnat Jyoti by A_ordable LEDs for All (UJALA) Scheme".
In this respect, more than one million LED lights have already been installed across all
the Plants and Units of the Company, being about 84% of the total lights. Further, all
upcoming projects will be having LED lighting systems only.
Environmental Management System (EMS)
Environmental Management System (EMS) linked to ISO:14001 is a set of
processes and practices that enable an organization to reduce its environmental impacts
and increase its operating e_ciency. Implementation ofEMS has helped SAIL's Plants
Mines to ensure performance within the applicable regulatory
The EMS (ISO-14001) was implemented at all the Plants and the Company
is striving to cover all the Mines under its purview to further its commitment towards
environment. In the recent years, Barsua Iron Ore Mine, Gua Ores Mine, Kiruburu and
Meghahatuburu Iron Ore Mines, Bolani Iron Ore Mine, Manoharpur I ron Ore Mine, Dalli Iron
Mine and Warehouses of CMO have also been ISO 14001 Certi_ed.
Eco-restoration Projects
Restoration and rehabilitation of degraded ecosystem is essential for
maintaining and enhancing bio-diversity as well as replenishing the ecosystem services.
After the degraded landscapes in and around Purnapani Limestone Mines in Odisha had been
successfully restored, fresh initiative has been taken for eco-restoration of
Meghahatuburu Iron Ore Mines and Kiriburu Iron Ore Mines. An MOU has been signed with
Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi for eco- restoration of mined out area and waste
dumps at both the Mines. The work is under progress.
Harnessing Renewable Energy
Your Company has taken up a strong drive for promoting Renewable Energy
usage at its Plants, Units and Mines and installed few facilities for harnessing solar
energy for generation of power as well as for heating purposes. Most of the Guest Houses
and Hospitals of SAIL are equipped with Solar Water Heating/Solar Lighting Systems. As a
part of its commitment for transition to sustainable energy, SAIL has already commissioned
12.58 MW solar units. Apart from the above, approx. 7 MW bagasse based renewable energy is
also being procured. Besides, some of the key renewable power projects under
implementation include:
Solar Projects through NSPCL i. 25 MW Ground-mounted Solar Plant
at BSL Township ii. 30 MW Floating Solar Plant over Cooling Pond in BSL iii. 20 MW
Ground-mounted Solar Plant, DSP Township iv. 15 MW Floating Solar Plant over Waria
Reservoir, DSP v. 25 MW Ground-mounted Solar Plant in SAIL Growth Works, Kulti vi. 20 MW
Floating Solar Plant over Maroda-2 reservoir, BSP
10 MW Small Hydro Electric Project at Mandira Dam, RSP through JV,
GEDCOL-SAIL Power Co. Ltd.
6 MW capacity at Utai near CSVTU on BSP land parcel and
500 kW capacity on available land parcel at Hirri Mines, BSP through
SAIL has drawn up ambitious plans to increase its renewable energy
capacity to 384 MW by the year 2028-29.
Your Company realizes the role of plantation in overall environmental
management initiatives. I t is a well-known fact that plants play an important role in
balancing the ecosystem and function as a carbon sink. Such plantations are established to
foster native species and promote forest regeneration on degraded lands as a tool of
environmental restoration. The greenery developed by a_orestation adds to the aesthetic
environment, which becomes dust and noise
barriers and also a natural sink/absorber of CO2. Keeping
enormous contribution of the plants in mind, SAIL has long been
adopting extensive a_orestation program religiously in its Plants and Mines since its
nascent stage. Giving special thrust for plantation, around 2.5 lakhs of saplings have
been planted during 2023-24. More than 22 million saplings have been planted across SAIL
Plants and Mines till date.
Your Company has adopted a multi-pronged approach that includes organic
growth, brown-_eld projects, technology leadership through strategic alliances, ensuring
raw material security by developing new mines, diversifying in allied areas, etc. I n line
with the above approach, SAIL has formed Joint Venture Companies in di_erent areas viz.
power generation, rail wagon manufacturing, slag cement production, securing coking coal
supplies from new overseas sources, etc.
Disinvestment of SAIL Plants
The Cabinet Committee on Economic A_airs (CCEA) in its meeting held on
27thO ctober, 2016 had accorded in principle' approval for strategic
disinvestment of three units of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) viz. Visveswaraya
Iron & Steel Plant (VISP), Bhadravati, Karnataka, Salem Steel Plant (SSP), Tamil Nadu
and Alloy Steels Plant (ASP), Durgapur, West Bengal. Expression of I nterest (EOI) of ASP,
SSP and VISP were issued on 4th July, 2019. In case of ASP, no EOI was
received. The eligible bidders of VISP and SSP were shortlisted. After two unsuccessful
attempts of disinvestment of ASP through EOI, DIPAM has requested Ministry of Steel to
examine the issue and apprise them with their views. SAIL is looking at viable options for
upgradation/modernization of ASP.
With regard to VISP and SSP, as per the decision of DIPAM, the SAIL
Board in its meeting held on 16th January, 2023 and 12th February,
2024, had given e_ect to the annulment decision of the DIPAM with regard to these Units.
Business Excellence Initiative
Most of SAIL Plants/Units are certi_ed to IS O 9000, IS O 14000, IS O
45000, SA 8000, ISO 50000 and ISO 27000 Management Systems. Empanelment of Certi_cation
Agencies has led to various bene_ts, signi_cant among them being Reduction in Audit
Man-Days, Single Certi_cation Agency for all Management Systems of a Plant/Unit, Ease of
Operation in engaging Certi_cation Agencies, Improved Quality of Audits, and Reduced
administrative hassles. New cycle of Empanelment for selection of Certi_cation Agencies
for 2023-26 was _nalised in May, 2023. The scope of the empanelment included Certi_cation
and Training related to six Management Systems i.e.ISO 9000, ISO 14000, ISO 45000, SA
8000, IS O 27000 and ISO 50000. For maintenance of Management Systems as per the
requirement of standards, on-site and remote (online) audits/trainings were organised.
Information Technology Related Initiative
Your Company has embarked on the journey of transformation of business
processes through digital initiatives to stay competitive, meet evolving customer
expectations and capitalize on emerging opportunities. Cloud computing has been embraced
in a big way for better scalability. Arti_cial intelligence has been used for automation
of processes. Real-time monitoring systems powered by Internet of Things (IoT) devices
have enabled continuous surveillance of assets and environments, allowing for early
detection of potential hazards and swift response to emergencies. Through digital
transformation, SAIL has been able to unlock new opportunities, streamline processes,
enhance customer experiences and stay agile in an ever-evolving landscape.
Some of the initiatives accomplished during the year 2023-24 are given
below: Command Centre Dashboard has been implemented for Top Management to monitor the
production data at Plants of the Company.
To promote Made in India Branding of Steel Products' by
Govt. of India through implementation of QR Code Label Printing for HR
Coils in HSM-2, WRM, BRM, MM, SMS as per National Institute of Design (NID), GOI
Guidelines and integration of the same with Quality Council of India (QCI) portal.
The steel industry is experiencing significant shifts driven by
technological advancements, changing market demands and evolving regulatory landscapes to
maintain competitiveness and sustainability. In this regard, to remain relevant, resilient
and to embrace digitalization and leverage its transformative potential, SAIL is in the
process of engaging a Consultant for Preparation of Digital Transformation Roadmap and its
A women exclusive portal Sakhi' was launched for Motivating
and Empowering Women of your Company by creating a supportive environment.
Digital Project Monitoring System and an Electronic
Drawing and Document Management System has been implemented.
Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) has been successfully
implemented in the SAIL's hospitals at Bokaro Steel Plant, Rourkela Steel Plant,
IISCO Steel Plant, Durgapur Steel Plant and is under implementation at Bhilai Steel Plant.
Technology is changing by leaps and bounds with the growth of mobile
applications and digitization. In this regard, your Company has developed an e-Suraksha
module along with a mobile app for recording BI-SEE round observations, uploading
photographs on-the-spot. This has features of all major verticalsBI-SEE (Behavioural
I ntervention- e Safety Encouragement and Engagement), 2I ( Incident Investigation),
Audit, Standards, HHP (High Hazard Processes). In addition to this, Near Miss on common
Road, Rail/Road incidents, Consequence Management, Safety Training Calendar, ZTR (Zero
Tolerance R ecords) are captured from High Speed camera logs. Dashboard, KPI and
Analytical Reports are generated for faster mitigation of incident investigation.
To boost the morale of the employees, your Company has launched
SAIL SHABASH' recognition scheme by acknowledging outstanding performance
through an online system.
In continuance of business automation, Payment Gateway has been
implemented for accepting remittances from multiple sources like vendors and customers of
Marketing, Township, Hospital, Material Management and from Employees.
Your Company has started the journey of transition from
SAP ECC to S/4HANA by reviewing and harmonizing existing processes.
With S/4HANA's in-memory computing, advanced analytics, and simpli_ed data models,
businesses can achieve greater agility, faster decision-making, and improved operational
e_ciency, thereby, paving the way for digital transformation and future growth.
For better Customer Engagement, Customer Contact
Mobile App for sales and marketing executives have been introduced
which captures the 360 view of the customer. In addition to this, Comprehensive Customer
Portal for Secondary Sales taking care of all the activities of Customers of Secondary
Sales has been implemented. This is an important step to increase transparency, improved
customer service, ease of doing business.
Smart Sensors have been installed throughout the production process to
monitor and optimize energy consumption, temperature, and other crucial parameters.
Implementation of Digital Signatures in Invoices, Test
Certi_cates and Services PRs using Hardware Security Module.
To reduce human intervention, Automated Vehicle Entry has been
introduced, allowing only authorized vehicles into the warehouse through the boom barrier
by reading the number plate, thereby, avoiding manual checking by the security sta_.
Taking the technology to one step higher, Digital Twins is being
introduced in the Plants by creating digital replicas of physical assets to simulate and
optimize processes, reducing the need for physical trials and minimizing material waste.
In this regard, SAIL has created Digital Twin of Blast furnace, which allows virtually
monitoring the Blast Furnace.
In-house Application has been developed for on-line monitoring of Wagon
Tippler#4, 5 & 6, and Conveyor Belt Status of Track Hoppers#1, 2 & 3.
System has been developed for Test Request Memo
Generation, Test Result Recording and Display of Results as per NABL
Standard of Continuous Casting Plant (CCP) products.
Corporate Communication
In the dynamic landscape of modern business, e_ective communication
plays a central role in corporate operations. Communication acts as binding factor within
the company and also with the stakeholders, while creating strong brand names and building
lasting relationships. At SAIL, this feat is accomplished through meticulously crafted and
comprehensive communication strategies. Central to our ethos, is a _rm belief in the
transformative power of meaningful dialogue. Your Company recognizes communication as a
two-way street, where engaging with stakeholders-be it the employees, customers,
investors, suppliers or the community at large, is extremely meaningful and important.
SAIL adopts an approach involving active listening, understanding
needs, providing thoughtful responses and inspiring action. Your Company operates in an
environment of openness, ensuring stakeholders are well-informed about the initiatives,
activities and future plans. Moreover, we actively seek and value feedback, addressing
concerns and involving stakeholders in decision-making processes. This commitment to
inclusive communication is at the heart of our working culture that cultivates trust and
fosters a sense of shared ownership among all our stakeholders. As the needs and
trajectory of SAIL continue to evolve, so too does the role of corporate communications,
adapting to meet emerging challenges and opportunities, while remaining steadfast in our
dedication to transparency, engagement, and mutual respect.
Internal Communication
Internal communication plays a crucial role in empowering the employees
and fostering a positive work environment. In your Company, employees are the drivers of
change and success. Internal communication serves as a strong means for organizational
success while driving collaboration, engagement, information sharing and change management
as well as the feedback mechanisms within the Company. SAIL plays an essential role in
building a cohesive and resilient organization capable of navigating challenges and
seizing opportunities in today's dynamic business environment. SAIL Gaurav Diwas, the
online celebration of SAIL's Foundation Day, was consecutively organized fourth time
in a row, fostering camaraderie and togetherness amongst the SAIL collective. SAIL
Track', your Company's corporate video news capsule has successfully completed
more than 80 episodes, while the in-house produced corporate house journal SAIL
News' has been entirely revamped into a fresh and reading friendly format. Several
mini-videos promoting SAIL steel and steel in general have been produced in-house while
other mini-videos highlighting your Company's many achievements have been produced
annually to keep stakeholders updated and informed. These measures enabled to reach out to
a wide gamut of stakeholders via Company's social media handles and corporate
website. Utilizing various social media platforms, we ensure that the sense of belonging
and engagement among employees is not just preserved but continually strengthened.
External Communication
External communications are essential for organizations to cultivate
positive relationships while conveying its commitment to transparency and credibility.
E_ective external communication is an enabler to engage with customers, investors,
partners and the broader community, shaping perceptions, building trust, and fostering
loyalty. Your Company ensures that our stakeholders are well-informed about corporate
developments, new initiatives, _nancial health and achievements through regular press
releases, media interactions and social media updates.
At SAIL, we extensively use a mix of both new-age and traditional media
channels to connect with the audience while leveraging the various platforms of social
media, witnessing steady growth in our social media presence. Adopting a multi-pronged
approach in engaging with the media, our commitment to timely and transparent
communication has been instrumental in creating a strong brand image and maintaining
healthy relations. With a focus on maintaining organic followership, our social media
presence continues to grow steadily across all the platforms. By conveying transparent and
compelling messages through various channels like social and conventional media and
relevant advertising, your Company always strives to strengthen its brand presence along
with sustained long-term success in the competitive marketplace. In an era marked by rapid
change, e_ective communication in business is more critical than ever. SAIL's dynamic
communication strategy ensures seamless _ow of information cultivates a culture of
creativity and innovation and enhances employee engagement.
At SAIL, the focus is not only on communicating your Company's
achievements but also on showcasing its commitment to the community and the environment by
highlighting the Organization's sustainability practices and adherence to ethical
values. This helps in building strong relationships, developing a sense of shared purpose
and in garnering support for our initiatives. These assist in driving growth and
sustainability of the Organization.
As we move forward, our commitment to openness, collaboration and
engagement remains unwavering. Our communication approach continues to evolve, setting new
benchmarks in employee participation and stakeholder engagement. Whether through engaging
in-house journal, impactful press releases or vibrant social media campaigns, our
narrative embodies constant growth, innovation, and sustainable success.
The objective of SAIL Vigilance is to facilitate an environment
enabling people to work with integrity, e_ciency and in a transparent manner, upholding
highest ethical standards for the organization. To achieve this objective, the Vigilance
Department carries out preventive, proactive and punitive actions with greater emphasis in
the preventive and proactive functions. Following activities were undertaken during the FY
To increase vigilance awareness amongst employees, vigilance awareness
sessions and workshops were regularly held at various Plants andUnits of the Company. A
total of 190 workshops involving 4092 participants were organized for enhancing Vigilance
Awareness on Whistle Blower Policy, Purchase/Contract Procedures, Preventive Vigilance,
Conduct & Discipline Rules, Common Irregularities, Systems and Procedures followed in
SAIL, etc. Amongst these training programmes, eighteen dedicated two day Preventive
Vigilance training programs were organised during FY 2023-24, wherein, a total of 327
executives of SAIL have been covered.
Preventive Checks including file scrutiny and Joint Checks were
conducted regularly in vulnerable areas of the Company. A total of 2214 preventive checks
including _le scrutiny and Joint Checks were conducted at di_erent Plants/ Units.
Vigilance provides vital inputs to the concerned authorities for
improving the prevailing systems for bringing about more transparency. Accordingly, eleven
System Improvement Projects (SIPs) were undertaken at di_erent Plants/Units of SAIL.
13 cases were taken up for Intensive Examination at di_erent
Plants/Units. During these I ntensive Examinations, high value procurement/contracts are
scrutinized comprehensively and necessary recommendations were forwarded to concerned
departments for implementation.
As per the Guidelines of Central Vigilance Commission,
Vigilance Awareness Week was observed in SAIL during 30th O
ctober to 5th November, 2023. The week started with administering the Integrity
Pledge and reading out the messages of dignitaries on 30thO ctober, 2023 at
SAIL Corporate O_ce as well as in all Plants/Units of SAIL. During the week,
Workshops/Sensitization Programmes, Customers Meet, etc. were organised. Further, events
like quiz, essay, slogan & drawing/ poster, debate competition, etc. were organized
for the employees across SAIL. As outreach measures, various events like Speech/Oratory
competition, Essay/Slogan Drawing competition, etc. were organized for School/College
Students across various townships of SAIL.
In an another Participative Vigilance initiative taken up,
Ethics Club and Ethics Circle activities were undertaken in di_erent
Plants/Units during the FY 2023-24. In order to propagate ethical behavior in the society
at large, Ethics Clubs have been formed in the schools of SAIL Townships with the belief
that it is essential to create a strong ethical and moral foundation for children to
facilitate formation of an ethically sustainable society.
The concept of Learn from Each Other (LEO) Workshops has been
introduced in Vigilance Department with the aim of arriving at result oriented solutions
in common areas where complaints are being received in various Plants/Units and also to
standardize the functioning of Vigilance. The LEO workshops provide a platform for
Vigilance executives from SAIL Plants/Units as well as other PSUs to collaborate with each
other on carving out new paths to take on the challenges of various important topics
pertinent to Vigilance. The main takeaways from these workshops are also submitted to
Higher Management for further necessary actions.
94 additional sites of SAIL including Bhilai Steel Plant,
Durgapur Steel Plant, Rourkela Steel Plant, IISCO Steel Plant, Alloy
Steels Plant, Salem Steel Plant, Central Marketing Organization, Chandrapur Ferro Alloys
Plant, SAIL Refractory Unit, Ranchi based Units and Environment Management Division have
been included by BIS under SAIL ABMS (as per S I O 37001 : 2016) License No. CRO/
AB/L-8000027 dated 2ndN ovember, 2022. Re-Certi_cation ( I nitial Certi_cation
date: 17th February, 2006) of QMS as per ISO 9001:2015 for SAIL Vigilance has
been done with validity from 16th February, 2024 to 15th February,
2027. Thus, Steel Authority of India Limited has achieved the distinction of becoming the
_rst Maharatna Public Sector Unit to have implemented the Anti-Bribery Management System
(ABMS) across all its Plants/Units.
The following four thrust areas were identified by SAIL
Vigilance for examination/scrutiny:
(i) Scrutiny of Stock veri_cation system at WH/Stores, other service
units associated. (ii) Scrutiny of cases, where the items like spares, consumables, etc.
have been procured and are lying in inventory for more than 3 years after receipt of the
(iii) Scrutiny of cases where single techno-commercial eligible o_er
has been received against OTE cases. (iv) Scrutiny of procurement cases through GeM
Inspiration-Prerna', an in-house publication of SAIL
Vigilance, is being published regularly. The above publication contains
case studies and informative articles to enhance awareness of the readers.
As on 1stA pril, 2023, a total of 60 complaints were pending
and the closing balance as on 31st March, 2024 was 68. The summary of disposal
of complaints during 2023-24 is as under:
Complaints Disposed:
Particulars |
Complaints |
Closed as found anonymous/pseudonymous (_led
in line with CVC Guidelines) |
156 |
Closed as no vigilance angle/allegations not substantiated |
188 |
Referred to other departments |
193 |
Closed with preventive/administrative recommendations |
116 |
Regular Departmental Actions (RDAs) initiated
(I nclude 7 cases of Major Penalty against 23 employees and 19 cases of Minor Penalty
against 28 employees) |
26 |
Total Disposed |
679 |
Vigil Mechanism
The Company has adopted Vigil Mechanism for conducting the a_airs in a
fair and transparent manner by adopting highest standards of professionalism, honesty,
integrity and ethical behaviour. All employees of the Company and Directors on the Board
of the Company are covered under this Mechanism. This Mechanism has been established for
complainant i.e. employee and includes a Director to report concerns about unethical
behaviour, actual or suspected fraud or violation of Code of Conduct. It also provides for
adequate safeguards against the victimization of employees who avail the Mechanism and
allows direct access to the Chairperson of the Audit Committee in exceptional cases. It
also provides for protection of any other employee assisting in the investigation or
furnishing evidence with regard to a complaint. The summary of complaints under Vigil
Mechanism during the Financial Year 2023-24 is as under:
Particulars |
No. of Complaints |
Complaints pending as on 1stA pril, 2023 |
0 |
Complaints received in 2023-24 |
3 |
Complaints disposed of during 2023-24 |
0 |
Complaints pending as on 31st March, 2024 |
3 |
As per the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015, Management Discussion
47 and Analysis Report covering the performance and outlook of the
Company is attached and forms part of this Report.
The Statutory Auditors' Report on the Standalone Financial
Statements of the Company for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 2024 along
with Management's replies thereon is placed at Annexure-I to this Report. The
comments of Comptroller & Auditor General of India (C&AG) on the Standalone
Financial Statements of the Company for the Financial Year ended 31st March,
2024 under Section 143(6) (b) of the Companies Act, 2013 are placed at Annexure-II
to this Report.
The Company is required to maintain cost accounting records at its
various Steel Plants as required under the provisions of Section 148 of the Companies Act,
2013. The Board of Directors of the Company on the recommendation of the Audit Committee
appointed M/s. Chandra Wadhwa & Co., New Delhi; M/s. ABK & Associates, Mumbai; and
M/s. R.M. Bansal & Co., Kanpur as Cost Auditors for the FY 2023-24. The Board had _xed
a fee of 12.12 lakhs plus applicable taxes and reimbursement of out of pocket expenses
for conducting the audit of cost records maintained by the Company for the FY 2023-24,
which was rati_ed by the shareholders in the last Annual General Meeting.
In terms of the provisions of Section 204 of the Companies Act, 2013,
the Board of Directors has appointed M/s. Agarwal S. & Associates, Company
Secretaries, as the Secretarial Auditor to conduct Secretarial Audit of the Company for
the FY ended on 31st March, 2024. Secretarial Audit Report is placed at Annexure-III
to this Report.
With regard to the observation of the Secretarial Auditor, that
composition of the Board of Directors of the Company was not as per requirements during
the FY 2023-24, it is stated that appointment of Independent Directors on the Board of the
Company is made by the Company based on nomination by Government of India. The Company has
requested Ministry of Steel, Government of India for nomination of requisite number of
Independent Directors on its Board.
In terms of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015, the Corporate Governance Report and Auditors' Certi_cate on
compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance is placed at Annexure-IV to this
In terms of the SEBI Regulations, the Board has laid down a Code of
Conduct for all Board Members and Senior Management of the Company. The Code of Conduct
has been uploaded on the website of the Company. All the Board Members and Senior
Management Personnel have a_rmed compliance with the Code.
In terms of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the Business Responsibility
& Sustainability Report describing the initiatives taken by the
Company from Environmental, Social and Governance perspective forms part of this Annual
Report and is placed at Annexure-V.
"W.r.t the observation of Third Party Assurance provider on the
BRSR that GHG accounting process is not standardized as per ISO14064-1/2/3 Year 2018/19,
it is stated that WSA methodology has been based on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol
Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard which has also been basis of building of the S
I O 14064 standards. The ISO has used the GHG Protocol standard as primary seed document
during development of ISO 14064-1 standards that provide guidance for Quanti_cation and R
eporting at the Organizational Level. The WSA
methodology was introduced by the Ministry of Steel for CO2
emission calculation from I ndian BF-BOF route steelmaking. SAIL
follows the emission calculation methodology
developed by the World Steel Association since 2007-08. The methodology
is widely accepted by the steelmakers across the globe and is adopted by the International
Organization for Standardization as ISO 14404 standards."
IISCO-U jjain Pipe and Foundry Company Limited, a wholly owned
subsidiary of the erstwhile Indian Iron and Steel Company Limited (IISCO), was ordered to
be wound up by BIFR. The O_cial Liquidator is continuing its liquidation process.
Your Company currently has two subsidiary Companies namely, SAIL
Refractory Company Limited (SRCL) and Chhattisgarh Mega Steel Limited.
SRCL is operating the Salem Refractory Unit which was acquired by SAIL
from Burn Standard Company Limited on 16th December, 2011. Chhattisgarh Mega
Steel Limited was incorporated as a Special Purpose Vehicle with an objective of setting
up of an Ultra Mega Steel Project. The project has not taken o_.
The Annual Accounts of the Subsidiary Companies and related detailed
information shall be made available to the Shareholders of the holding and subsidiary
companies, seeking such information at any point of time. Further, the Annual Accounts of
the subsidiary companies are available for inspection by any Shareholder at the Registered
O_ce of the Company and the Subsidiary Companies concerned between 11 AM to 1 PM on
working days. A hard copy of the details of accounts of subsidiaries shall be furnished to
the shareholders on receipt of written request.
Pursuant to provisions of Section 129(3) of the Companies Act, 2013,
the duly Audited Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company for the Financial Year
ended 31st March, 2024 are placed at Annexure-VI to this Report.
The Statutory Auditors' Report on the Consolidated Financial
Statements along with the Management's replies thereon is placed
at Annexure-VII to this Report. The comments of Comptroller & Auditor General
of India (C&AG) on the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company for the
Financial Year ended 31st March, 2024 under Section 143(6) (b) read with
Section 129(4) of the Companies Act, 2013 are placed atAnnexure-VIII to this
Report. Further, the statement containing salient features of the _nancial statements of
the Subsidiary, Joint Venture and Associate Companies in the prescribed Form AOC-1 is
placed at Annexure-IX to this Report.
During the FY 2023-24, the Reports of Comptroller and Auditor General
of India (C&AG) tabled in the Parliament do not contain any Audit Para pertaining to
As per the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, the Annual Return for
FY 2023-24 is available at https://www. RETURN_2023_24.pdf.
During the year, 12 meetings of the Board of Directors of the Company
were held, the details of which are given in the Corporate Governance Report at Annexure-IV,
forming part of this Annual Report.
The Audit Committee of the Board was initially formed by the Company in
1998. The Audit Committee has been reconstituted from time to time in terms of the SEBI
Regulations and Companies Act, 1956/2013. The minutes of the Audit Committee meetings are
circulated to the Board, discussed and taken note of. The composition and other details
pertaining to the Audit Committee are given in the Corporate Governance R eport at Annexure-IV.
Implementation of Internal Financial Control (IFC) in SAIL is guided by
established frameworks such as the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway
Commission (COSO) model. The COSO framework provides a structured approach for designing,
implementing, and assessing internal controls to ensure e_ective _nancial management and
compliance. SAIL's internal _nancial control system is designed to provide a
comprehensive framework for ensuring _nancial accuracy, protecting assets, and maintaining
regulatory compliance. The company typically engages in regular reviews and updates of its
internal control systems to adapt to changing regulatory requirements and operational
SAIL has well established and documented policies and procedures, which
are adhered to for transparent, e_cient and ethical conduct of business and for
safeguarding its assets, prevention and detection of frauds and errors, accuracy and
completeness of the accounting records and timely preparation of _nancial statements.
Further, the Company has a sound corporate governance structure, and
strong management processes, controls, policies and guidelines which drives the
Organization towards its business objective and also meets the needs of various
stakeholders. SAIL's robust protocols such as independent internal audit, documented
policies, guidelines, procedures, regular review by Audit Committee/Board, etc. helps in
compliance of Corporate Governance and Internal Financial Controls under the Companies
Act, 2013, SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, etc. SAIL is committed to the highest standards
of Corporate Governance where the Board is accountable to all stakeholders for reporting
e_ectiveness of Internal Financial Control and its adequacy. The adequacy of SAIL's
internal _nancial control is re_ected in its audit reports, regulatory compliances, and
e_ective risk management. Regular updates and management oversight helps in maintaining
and enhancing these controls, ensuring the company's _nancial stability and
integrity. The deployment of SAP Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) modules and IT
platforms signi_cantly enhances the e_ectiveness of Internal Financial Control at SAIL.
SAP GRC modules are designed to integrate with the Organization's _nancial and
operational systems to streamline compliance, risk management, and control processes.
Pursuant to Section 134(3)(c) of the Companies Act, 2013(the Act), the
Directors state that: (i) in the preparation of theAnnual Accounts, the applicable
Accounting Standards have been followed along with proper explanation relating to material
departures; (ii) the Directors have selected such Accounting Policies and applied them
consistently and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to
give a true and fair view of the state of a_airs of the Company at the end of the
Financial Year and of the pro_t or loss of the Company for that period; (iii) the
Directors have taken proper and su_cient care for the maintenance of adequate Accounting
Records in accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding the assets of the
Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities; (iv) the
Directors have prepared the Annual Accounts on a Going-Concern basis; (v) the Directors
have laid down internal _nancial control to be followed by the Company and that such
internal _nancial controls are adequate and are operating e_ectively; and (vi) the
Directors have devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all
applicable laws and that such systems are adequate and operating e_ectively.
In terms of Section 149(6) of the Companies Act, 2013, necessary
declaration has been given by each Independent Director stating that he/she meets the
criteria of independence. In terms of Section 149(7) of the Companies Act, 2013,
Independent Directors of the Company have undertaken requisite steps towards registration
of their names in the data bank of Independent Directors maintained with the Indian
Institute of Corporate A_airs.
In the opinion of the Board, the Independent Director(s) appointed
during the year possess integrity, necessary expertise and experience.
In terms of the provisions of Section 186 of the Companies Act, 2013
read with Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014, the details of Loans,
Guarantees and Investments given during the FY ended on 31st March, 2024 are
given in Annexure-X to this Report.
All the contracts/arrangements/transactions entered by the Company
during the FY 2023-24, with the related parties were in the ordinary course of business
and on an arm's length basis. The transactions with the related parties have been
disclosed in the _nancial statements. Therefore, particulars of contracts or arrangements
with related parties referred to in Section 188(1) along with the justi_cation for
entering into such contract or arrangement in Form AOC-2 do not form part of the Report.
In terms of the Regulation 43A of SEBI (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the Board of Directors of the Company has
adopted Dividend Distribution Policy. The Policy is uploaded on the website of the
Company- Distribution_Policy_ 2017.pdf
In accordance with the provisions of Section 134(3) (m) of the
Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 8 of the Companies(Accounts) Rules, 2014, the
particulars relating to Conservation of Energy, Technology Absorption and Foreign Exchange
Earnings and Outgo are given in Annexure-XI to this Report.
SAIL has a comprehensive Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Policy that
has been approved by the Board and is designed to comply in accordance with the regulatory
frameworks provided by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements (LODR), Regulations, 2015 and with the latest
amendments in the Companies Act, 2013. These regulations ensure that SAIL maintains robust
governance and risk management practices.
The Risk Management Policy aims to identify, assess, monitor and
mitigate risks to ensure the Company's _nancial health, operational e_ciency, and
strategic success. It emphasizes on systematic identi_cation of _nancial, operational,
strategic, and compliance risks across all business units. It also includes speci_c
provisions for identifying and managing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks,
IT & Cyber Security and Sustainability-related risks. Risks are assessed based on
their likelihood and potential impact, using both qualitative and quantitative methods.
For each identi_ed risk, appropriate mitigation strategies and controls are developed and
implemented to minimize risk exposure. SAIL employs continuous monitoring systems to track
risk indicators and the e_ectiveness of control measures. Regular risk reports are
generated and reviewed by the Risk Management Committee (RMC) and the Board, ensuring
timely communication of emerging risks.
The Risk Management Policy is dynamic, incorporating regular reviews
and updates to adapt to changing regulatory requirements and business environments.
The architecture of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) in SAIL comprises
a well-designed multi-layered organization structure, with each Plant or Unit having its
own perceived Risks which are under the constant monitoring by the Risk Owners or
Risk Champions who frame and implement the mitigation strategy and take it to its logical
conclusion. RMC of Plants/Units reviews and reports the risks periodically to
ChiefRiskO _cer (CRO) who in turn apprises the risks to SAIL Risk Management Committee
(SRMC) which is responsible for formulating and overseeing the implementation and
evaluation of the risk management framework to assess its continuing e_ectiveness. In
compliance to the Companies Act, 2013, the Board ensures the development and e_ective
implementation of the Risk Management Policy. The Audit Committee evaluates the adequacy
and e_ectiveness of the risk management systems, ensuring continuous improvement.
By strengthening the Risk Management Committee, enhancing disclosures,
aligning risk management with corporate governance practices, and integrating IT systems,
SAIL ensures robust compliance with regulatory requirements and e_ective management of
risks. These measures contribute to the Company's long-term sustainability and
resilience in an increasingly complex and dynamic business environment. SAIL's Risk
Management Policy Statement is available on its website
SAIL's Social Objective is synonymous with Corporate Social
Responsibility. Apart from the business of manufacturing steel, the objective of your
Company is to conduct business in ways that provide social, environmental and economic
bene_ts to the communities in which it operates. For any organization, CSR begins by being
aware of the impact of its business on society. With the underlying philosophy and a credo
to make a meaningful di_erence in people's lives, your Company has been structuring
and implementing CSR initiatives from the inception. These e_orts have seen the erstwhile
obscure villages, where SAIL Plants are located, turn into large industrial hubs today.
The CSR initiatives of your Company are undertaken in conformity to the
Companies Act, 2013, Schedule-VII to the Companies Act, 2013, Companies (Corporate Social
Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014, Companies (CSR Policy) Amendment Rules, 2021 and 2022.
SAIL carries out CSR projects mainly in and around periphery of steel townships, mines and
far _ung locations across the Country in the areas of Rural Development including
maintenance of Model Steel Villages, providing Education, Healthcare, Immunisation,
Ante/post-natal care, Access to Drinking Water, Sanitation, Road side tree plantation,
Environment Sustainability, Women Empowerment, Assistance to Sr. Citizens & Divyangs,
Sustainable Income Generation through Self-Help Groups, Promotion of Art and Culture, etc.
The details of various CSR initiatives taken by the Company along with
the R eport on CSR in prescribed format are placed at Annexure-XII to this Report.
The CSR Policy of the Company is available on the website of the Company
Healthcare: Your Company's extensive and specialised
Healthcare Infrastructure provided specialized and basic healthcare to nearly 183.74 lakh
people living in the vicinity of its Plants and Units during the period 2011-2024. In
order to deliver quality healthcare at the doorsteps of the needy, regular health camps
are being organised in various villages on _xed days for the people living in the
periphery of Plants/ Units/Mines. During the FY 2023-24, regular Health Camps have been
organized and 5 Mobile Medical Units (MMUs) extended quality healthcare to about 1.80 lakh
villagers at their doorsteps in peripheral areas of Plants, Units and Mines. 24 Primary
Health centres at Plants exclusively provided free medical care and medicines to more than
84,000 patients during FY 2023-24.
To develop the society through education, SAIL is supporting over 77
schools, providing education to more than 40,000 children in the steel townships, 22
Special Schools (Kalyan, Mukul & DAV Vidyalayas) are bene_tting around 12026 BPL
category students at integrated steel plants and mines locations with facilities of free
education, mid-day meals, uniform including shoes, text books, stationery items, school
bag, water bottles, etc., under CSR.
More than 450 children from tribal and naxal-a_ected areas are getting
free of cost comprehensive educational facilities viz. Schooling, Accommodation, Meals,
Uniform, Textbooks, Infrastructure, etc. at Saranda Suvan Chhatravas and Central School,
Kiriburu; Gyanodaya Chhatravas, BSP School Rajhara, Bhilai; Gyanjyoti Yojna, Bokaro, and
other schools.
Your Company in association with the Akshaya Patra Foundation, is
providing Mid-day meals and dry ration kits to around 60,000 students in over 600 Govt.
schools in Bhilai and Rourkela.
Women Empowerment & Sustainable Income Generation:
Vocational and specialised skill development training targeted towards
sustainable income generation has been provided to 1578 youths and 2369 women of
peripheral villages in areas such as Nursing, Physiotherapy, LMV Driving, Computers,
Mobile repairing, Welder, Fitter, Electrician training, Improved agriculture, Mushroom
cultivation, Goatery, Poultry, Fishery, Achar/Pappad/Agarbati/Candle making, Screen
printing, Handlooms, Sericulture, Yarn Weaving, Tailoring, Sewing and embroidery, Gloves,
Spices, Towels, Gunny-bags, Low-cost-Sanitary Napkins, Sweet Box, Bans/Jute Shilp,
Smokeless chullah making, etc. About 490 youths have been sponsored for ITI training at
ITIs Bolani, Bargaon, Baliapur, Rourkela and Bokaro Private ITI, etc.
Connectivity & Water facilities in Rural Areas:
Over 79.03 lakh people across 450 villages have been connected to
mainstream by SAIL, since its inception, by constructing and repairing roads. Over 8176
water sources have been installed, since inception, thereby enabling easy access to
drinking water to over 50 lakh people living in far-_ung areas.
Environment Sustainability:
Maintenance of parks, water bodies, botanical gardens and plantation
& maintenance of over 5 lakh trees in the townships is being undertaken.
Support to Divyangs and Senior Citizens:
Divyang (children/people) are being supported through provision of
equipment like-tricycle, motorized vehicles, calipers, hearing aids, arti_cial limbs, etc.
Your Company supports centres and programmes at its Plants like "Schools for blind,
deaf & mentally challenged children" and "Home and Hope" at Rourkela;
"Ashalata Kendra" at Bokaro; various programs like "Handicapped Oriented
Education Program" and "Durgpaur Handicapped Happy Home" at Durgapur; and
"Cheshire Home" at Burnpur. Old age homes are being supported at di_erent Plant
townships like "Siyan Sadan" at Bhilai, "Abasar", "Acharya
Dham" at Durgapur, "Sr. Citizens Home" at Rourkela, etc. Series of events
were organised across the Company to celebrate the International Day of Persons with
Disabilities' commencing on 3rd December, 2023 in alignment of ongoing
Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav'. The assistive aids & devices like Tricycle,
Motorized Vehicles, Calipers, Hearing Aids, Smart Phones, Smart Canes, etc. provided by
Arti_cial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO) were distributed among
Divyangjans through Plants/Units and Corporate O_ce at New Delhi of your Company.
Sports, Art & Culture:
SAIL is regularly organizing inter-village sports tournaments,
extending support to major National sports events and tournaments. Also, supporting and
coaching aspiring sportsmen and women through its residential sports academies at Bokaro
(Football), Rourkela (Hockey)-with world class astro-turf ground, Bhilai (Athletics for
boys), Durgapur
(Athletics for girls) and Kiriburu, Jharkhand (Archery). Cultural
events like Chhattisgarh Lok Kala Mahotsav, Gramin Lokotsav are organised every year.
Bokaro Steel Plant organised Special Olympics Bharat (SOB) under National Sports
Preparatory Training Camps and also supported participation expenditure of the
selected/trained Divyang athletes for Special Olympics Summer World Games 2023 (SOSWG
Development of Aspirational Districts: In order to provide
comprehensive development of both physical and social infrastructure, SAIL has undertaken
CSR activities in 6 Aspirational Districts, viz. K anker, Narayanpur and Rajnandgaon in
Chhattisgarh and West Singhbhum, Bokaro, Ranchi in Jharkhand and Banka in Bihar.
SAIL Employees Rendering Volunteerism and Initiatives for Community
Engagement (SERVICE): It supports volunteer activities and community outreach by SAIL
REPORTING OF FRAUD BY AUDITORS: During the FY 2023-24, neither the
Statutory Auditors nor the Secretarial Auditor have reported to the Audit Committee any
instances of fraud committed against the Company by its o_cers or employees, which would
need mention in the Board's Report.
Ministry of Corporate A_airs vide its Noti_cation dated 5th
June, 2015 has exempted Government Companies from the provisions of the Companies Act,
2013 which, inter-alia, provides that Sub Sections (2), (3) & (4) of Section 178
regarding appointment, performance evaluation and remuneration shall not apply to
Directors of the Government Companies. Further, the Ministry of Corporate A_airs vide
Noti_cation dated 5th July, 2017 has noti_ed certain amendments in Schedule IV
of the Companies Act, 2013, according to which, provisions relating to evaluation of
performance of Non-Independent Directors, Chairperson and Board have been exempted for
Government Companies.
PARTICULARS OF EMPLOYEES: In terms of the provisions of Section
197(12) of the Companies Act, 2023 read with Rule 5 of the Companies (Appointment and
Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, every listed company is required to
disclose the ratio of the remuneration of each director to the median employee's
remuneration and details of employees receiving remuneration exceeding limits prescribed
from time to time in the Board's Report.
Ministry of Corporate A_airs vide its Noti_cation dated 5th
June, 2015 has exempted Government Companies from complying with the provisions of Section
197 of the Companies Act, 2013. Accordingly, such particulars have not been included in
the Board's Report.
GENERAL DISCLOSURES i. During the year, the Company has not
accepted any deposits under the Companies Act, 2013. ii. No signi_cant or material orders
were passed by the Regulators or Courts or Tribunals impacting the going concern status
and Company's operations in future.
However, attention of Members is drawn to the statement on contingent
liabilities in notes forming part of the Financial Statements. iii. During the year, there
has been no change in the nature of Business of the Company. iv. During the year, no
application was made and no proceeding is pending under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Code, 2016. v. During FY 2023-24, the Company had identi_ed itself as a Large Corporate
and accessed the incremental borrowings of 2,505.06 crore. For FY 2024-25, SAIL has
submitted the required information along with the Audited Financial Results for the year
ended March 31, 2024 as per the applicability of SEBI Circular dated 19thO
ctober, 2023.
Based on the framework, the issuance of debt securities to the extent
of 25% of domestic borrowing in a year is required to be met in the same FY and/or the
succeeding two FYs. Therefore, the Company was required to issue debt securities amounting
to 627 crore (i.e. 25% of Incremental borrowing). Till 31st December, 2023,
SAIL had incremental borrowings of about 155 crore only. The major amount of incremental
borrowings has been availed during Q4 2023-24. SAIL has analysed the cost of raising Bonds
as compared to Long Term loans and as per the leading research _rms, the spread for
raising NCDs by AA Rated PSUs was hovering around 1.00 1.10% over G-secs in FY
2023-24. The Company has borrowed Long Term rupee loan at much lower than the e_ective
rate of NCDs in FY 2023-24. Hence, decision regarding issuance of NCDs may be taken in
subsequent years depending on the market conditions. vi. Government of India, Ministry of
Steel, vide its letters dated 19th January, 2024 in exercise of the powers
conferred by sub-rule (1) of Rule 20 of the Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules, 1977 of
Steel Authority of India Limited, had placed Shri V.S. Chakravarthy, Director (Commercial)
and Shri A.K. Tulsiani, Director (Finance) on suspension with e_ect from 19th
January, 2024. Further, complying with the Ministry of Steel, Government of India, letter
dated 19th January, 2024, the Company had placed 26 below Board Level O_cials
of the Company, on suspension with e_ect from 19th January, 2024. Interim
arrangements were made to continue uninterrupted operations of the Company. Subsequently,
Government of India, Ministry of Steel, vide Orders dated 28th June, 2024, has
revoked the suspension of Shri V.S. Chakravarthy, Director (Commercial) and Shri A.K.
Tulsiani, Director (Finance) with immediate e_ect. Further, the Company has revoked the
suspension of 25 below Board Level O_cials of the Company, with immediate e_ect, with one
o_cial having superannuated during the interim period.
Smt. Soma Mondal ceased to be Chairman w.e.f. 30thA pril,
Shri Amarendu Prakash, Director (In-charge, BSL), has taken over as
Chairman w.e.f. 31st May, 2023.
Smt. Neelam Sonker, Independent Director, has tendered her resignation
vide letter dated 7th April, 2024, with immediate e_ect.
Shri Birendra Kumar Tiwari has been appointed as Director
(In-charge, BSL) w.e.f. 20thA pril, 2024.
The Board ofDirectors of your Company wish to place on record their
appreciation for the sincere, untiring & dedicated e_orts and contribution made by
every member of the SAIL Family. The Directors acknowledge with deep sense of
appreciation, the valuable guidance, support and co-operation received from Government of
India, particularly Ministry of Steel, Regulatory & Statutory Authorities, Ministry of
Environment, Forests, & Climate Change, DIPAM, NITI Aayog, D epartment of Public
Enterprises, Railways, State Governments, Electricity Boards, etc. The Board also extend
its heartfelt thanks to all its Stakeholders, including Members, Investors, Customers,
Vendors, Bankers and Consultants for their continued support and unwavering con_dence
reposed in the Company.
The Directors also thank the Comptroller & Auditor General of
India, Statutory Auditors, Cost Auditors, Secretarial Auditor and other professionals
associated with the Company for their valued and constructive suggestions.
Place: New Delhi |
Date : 3rd September, 2024 |